51- Open Threat

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~ Eileen ~

"And I still don't know why he hates you though your ridiculous ideas have brought me enough troubles."

Sebastian was acting weird. Okay, Ruben warned me beforehand but I didn't expect Sebastian to be this sour towards Asad. Basically he did nothing wrong so why?

"What's with him?" Muttering, I came out of our room when Sebastian left for the bathroom to freshen up.

"What happened?" Asad asked, coming to me with an arched brow because Sebastian acted weird when he saw me talking to him.

"Don't talk to me." I sighed, leaning against the wall, folding my arm with a cold shrug.

"What did I do?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion acting oblivious but he knew it better than me.

"I don't know. Order from His Majesty. Stay away from Asad." I told him impassively, the reason why my socializing with him was minimized.

He smirked victoriously because it was his idea to talk near the main entrance so Sebastian could see us and I observed his reaction and he acted just how he told me.

"I told you, didn't I? He would never bear you with me." He said triumphantly but I was only perplexed. I couldn't understand why.

"Why?" I asked.

"Jealousy." He sighed, almost out of disappointment but it increased my perplexity.

"Why would he be jealous of you?" I asked, taunting him because as per my knowledge, Sebastian had no reason to envy him.

"You sounded arrogant about your husband." He chuckled, shaking his head and his nonchalance was getting on my nerves. He just laughs and smiles whenever I speak.

"I am just saying. Sebastian has everything, what could make him jealous of you." I argued, wanting to know what his mere possession was, what my Sebastian didn't to be envious of him.

He laughed a little, leaning against the wall by his shoulder, smirking playfully at me, pissing me off at his confidence.

"You might have known him better than all of us, My Lady but there are still some details you cannot encrypt." He told me firmly, leaving me bewildered, unable to apprehend what could be about Sebastian which 'I' didn't know.

"Such as?" I asked, smirking emptily in return, holding my head high to have faith that I know my Sebastian better than anyone.

"Such as your man is glaring at me right now." He smiled, pointing behind me. My breath hitched instinctively when I turned and saw Sebastian in his casual clothes.

A towel around his neck, water dripping from his hairs, enhancing his features, frowning deeply at me for disobeying his strict order but Asad initiated the talk.

"Sebastian?" I called nervously, hoping he wouldn't be angry, which he clearly was. I could feel his anger by his glare, drying my breaths.

"Pack my things, Eileen. I need to leave in a few hours."

Thankfully Sebastian didn't display his rage and simply ordered me. I didn't want to enhance his rage so I obeyed quietly.

"Okay..." I nodded, straightening my back and leaving quickly for the room to leave the talk in the middle but he held my arm when I walked past him.

"In fact, why don't you stay at your parents' place and make them understand in your language too?" He said, not removing his glare from Asad whose smirk was slowly fading and was replaced by a seriousness I had never seen on Asad's face before.

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