4- Haunting Sight

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"There are secrets you wish you never knew..."

The next day, he was getting ready for work as I helped him too. "All black?" I asked, titling my head in confusion.

He was wearing a black buttoned shirt with the matching tie and a double breasted coat.

Setting his hairs perfectly to attain the immaculate supreme presence.

"Hmm, I am not fond of colors." He hummed.

Applying his cologne and wearing his wedding ring, glancing at it for a second which made him smile emptily. I wonder why.

"I will make you. No more all black all the time. Time to change your closet, Sir." I smirked, leaning against the wall, teasing him.

"Yes, Madam." He sighed, not going against my words and got ready for work.

"Take care." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"You too." I smiled back and kissed his cheeks as he left for work.

After he left, I didn't have much to do. I called my parents, talked to them for a while, then with Sofia too but time was passing by devilishly slow.

I didn't know what to do, everything was perfect in his home and I didn't have to do anything.

Sighing, I noticed it was time for lunch so I thought about surprising Sebastian and giving him lunch myself.

I know it was a silly idea, I didn't have to but I was getting bored and I intended to complain to him about it personally so I got lunch and texted him that I am coming to meet him and went to his workplace.

I feel so proud to be his wife, to be the life partner of the man everyone died to see. And I am near when no one in this world is. It gave me senses of uncontrollable flutters.

With a grin, I went to his unbelievably opulent workplace and entered. Of course, everyone recognized me and I went to the reception.

"Oh, Good Afternoon, Madam." She grinned, greeting me sweetly.

"Hey, um, I am here to give this to Sebastian." I replied, returning the smile.

"He is not present in his cabin at the moment, but you can go there and wait." He informed me which made me frown. I texted him I am coming yet he cannot stay for a few moments.

"Where is he? A meeting?" I asked, resting my hand on my waist.

"He is at the parking lot for now. He will be there in a moment." She replied which left me bewildered.

'Parking lot? What is he doing there?' I thought, confused, what he was doing there but since I was naive and stupid I had to go and check.

"Um, Then I will see him there. He is just there." I shrugged casually and went to the parking lot to see him.

I was just going to see my husband. What could possibly go wrong with this, right?

"Madam, I am sorry, no one can enter the lot at the moment. It's closed." The guard informed me and it pissed me.

"I am his wife, you know it, don't you?" God, it felt amazing to use my authority as his wife.

"Yes, I do and I deeply apologize for my intrusion but Boss ordered us to not let anyone in. Please." He said apologetically, frightened almost.

"Oh... Then answer my one question." I said suspiciously.


"Is he with a woman?" I asked with a hint of distress in my voice which made him laugh.

"No, of course, not. You are the first woman of his life, rest assured." He reassured me which truly relieved a hint of tension which evoked in my chest.

"Oh, then it's good. Give this to him, I made it for him. I should leave now." I smiled, giving him the food I cooked for Sebastian.

"Sure." He nodded, taking it as my steps retreated to leave but before I could go back-

I should have, I truly should have left and never return-

A scream reached my ears which dropped my heart rate, inducing instant dread, worried it might not be... His'.

"What was that?" I asked as a horror crept upon my face, shivering to hear the anguish in the scream but horrifyingly it was an oddly familiar sound.

"What? What are you talking about?" He asked, still returning a kind smile.

"Scream. Someone screamed. Can't you hear it?" I asked, panicking a little, losing my breath in dismal. My heart began to race abnormally.

"There's nothing. You are only imagining." He said, trying to convince me but my senses cannot lie. I am certain I heard a cream.

"I am not. I know-" Before I could continue another voice came.

"HELP!!" My eyes widened in appall, soul frightened to fathom what happened.

"See." Saying, I tried to run and see. He tried to stop me but I pushed him away,

"You can't go! Stop, Madam!" He yelled, grabbing me, stopping me from going further, preventing me from witnessing what atrocity was taking place there.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted, pushing him away and running towards the lot but the sight I was greeted with upon entering petrified my soul to no extent.

My mind ceased to function, inducing unbearable dread in my body, ruining the dream I just gained in a matter of heartbeat.

Only to find none other than Sebastian with a gun in his hand, pointing it at the first and last boyfriend I ever had; Rick.

"Sebastian..." Whispering his name, horror brimmed in my eyes, taking a step back in inexplicable fright, afraid of the man before me right now.

He gradually lifted his dead eyes from Rick to me, chaining his eyes with mine. That is when I realized-

He is not what he showed.

The man before me is nothing but a cluster of ruthlessness, it was clear from his deadpan eyes which imprisoned my soul.

"Please... Don't..." My whole being shivered, shaking my head in denial as a tear rolled down my cheek but he smirked hauntingly.

That was the smirk I was going to remember for the rest of my life-

The smirk of a devil.

With a dead stare into my eyes, he didn't think twice and shot Rick.


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