18- Alphonse Jude

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Later, I had work and another useless load fell over my head. I was infuriated, I couldn't get time to toy with Eileen for one second. Things are stacking up one after another.

This time, Alphonse had decided to hit my nerves by his audacity. Alphonse was standing in the middle of the room with an expressionless face.

His hands were at the back, in his gray waist coat and black shirt, since he rarely wears ties, the button of his shirt was opened, sleeves rolled perfectly to the elbow.

He came prepared, knowing what could happen and this whole scenario made me laugh. At him, at his actions.

A menacing laugh echoed in the hall, putting my one leg over the other, almost mocking him.

But Alphonse was not intimidated by my presence anymore. He was frowning, almost irritated. He is not afraid anymore.

"I can't believe it, Mate!" I finally calmed down, leaning back on my seat.

"So... I have heard you kept a girl with you." I said, resting my elbow on the armest, smirking darkly.

"I desire her." He replied calmly, staring dead into his eyes with his hazel ones.

"But, a club dancer? What is her worth? Moreover that measly woman at the Jude Mansion?"

His jaw clenched at my comment.

"I want her." He breathed out, trying to maintain his nonchalance.

"I see... Whatever you do, if this woman becomes your malady, you know what to do." But he didn't show a response.

"Hmm?" Humming, my smirk faded slowly, moving forward, becoming serious by his lack of response.

"Why are you silent? Say. It. Alphonse." I ordered, rising from my seat.

Swallowed the lump in his throat, a wry look formed over his hardened features. "If that woman became my affliction," He began to say.

"Then the one to end her breaths..." Looking up, he stared at me.

I was amused yet displeased at his hesitance. How dare he forget his place.

Inhaling deeply, he gave him the satisfactory response, "Would be me."

"Good boy. Never forget who brought you here." I chuckled darkly, taking circles around him since he forgot who he was.

"Never forget who you live for."

Moving behind, I put my hand on his shoulder, leaning to his ear, whispering the only fear Alphonse has.

"Never forget who you belong to."

Alphonse turned his head, staring gravely into my eyes again.

"I am well aware of my position and status." He enunciated, trying to control his fury.

"Good." I hummed, reminding him about the bargain he made.

"Etch this in your mind, you have sold your soul to me."

This was the extent he could hear to bear and sighed deeply in disappointment,

"I know. May I leave now?" He asked, irritated, maintaining a fair distance from me.

"Sure. Good luck, enjoy your time with your slut."

I shrugged, laughing wickedly and walking away with my men, leaving him all alone to curse me eternally for ravaging his life.

"Keep an eye on Alphonse. He would definitely betray me for a woman." I ordered Dave.

"Yes, Boss." He nodded. I took my dagger from him, wanting to show it to Eileen to scare her a little with it. It made me sinfully smirk when I imagined her frightened reaction.

But, right now, two reasons are before me. Nathaniel and Alphonse. Look at their miserable faces. Where do their emotions lead them? A powerlessness.

How can I give myself a chance after seeing love only ravages you?

It is a pathetic emotion which has no place in my life.

As I was walking down the corridor with Elyna and Jacob behind, "Did you prepare for what I told you, Jacob?" I asked.

Using my phone but a familiar rose scent reached me, indicating it's my little wife prying on my work area when I clearly told her to not enter this place no matter what.

"Yes, Boss."

Stopping in my tracks, I turned off my phone, smirking as I asked dominantly, taking a step back, glancing at the corridor, "May I know what you are doing there, Eileen?"

Gasping, she looked out from the corner, coming closer with pure terror affixed on her face.

"I believe I ordered you to keep out of this place." I asked, curling my lips downwards, hitching her breath.

"W-Was that... A-Alphonse Jude?" She asked hesitantly, averting her gaze from me. Tensed to face the consequence of disobeying me.

Glaring at the people behind me, I indirectly ordered them to leave us alone. I don't like anyone's interference when I am with my prey.

"Yeah, alive in the flesh. Why? Is being among the greatest criminals scaring you? Did you come here to see him?" I asked, putting my phone in my pocket, coming closer to observe her fear carefully.

"Do you know who came by yesterday? Plague Doctor." Snickering, I enhanced her terror at my response which made me chuckle.

"You get used to seeing criminals, Eileen. Your husband is second among the greatest ones." I told her, taking pride in my position. In my title. Black Death.

Her breath rate increased when I recalled what she tends to rip from her memory but this is the reality she has to deal with. She cannot disregard it.

"Ah, you and your fears are my greatest temptations." Sighing, I moved closer, watching her body tensing up when I came closer. I kept the dagger hidden for now.

She is already afraid because she got caught sneaking in my area. It wouldn't be fun to use it yet.

"Consider yourself lucky. I am lenient towards my favorites." I whispered sternly, wanting her to not do it again.

"Don't come here again without my permission. Understand?" I said in a low but slightly soft tone because I am in a good mood today. There is something which I planned.

Gulping, she nodded, biting her bottom lip nervously. Humming, I moved back, ordering her before walking away, "Now, get ready. We are going to see the Eiffel Tower."


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Nathaniel's story is also uploaded by the name 'Worship Series' You can check it out too if you want. :D

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