32- Bad Actor

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~ Eileen ~

"That's when we both came to know that acting was impossible for me. I am a bad actor."

Sebastian tried teaching me how to act properly before the guests and not to tremble at his touch or display distress which could alarm someone else that something is wrong between us.

He was stern and utterly serious about it. I barely learned anything and now are supposed to leave for the event.

Why is he taking me along in the first place?

I was at the saloon, getting ready for the event. He chose a green theme for us. I was wearing a dark green, off-shoulder ball gown with lace satin, suiting me perfectly but I couldn't focus on my looks at the moment.

I was scared if I made a mistake and infuriated Sebastian then what would I do?

After getting ready, I went home. The weather was bad. I guess it was going to rain but ignoring it I went back.

I saw Sebastian looking devilishly handsome in the matching three piece suit jacket. A brooch on the front pocket, hairs gelled to perfection. In the appearance I fell for, in the visage when I started admiring his beauty.

His hands in his pocket, tapping his foot, waiting for me. His eyes slowly met mine when I came. It felt weird wearing the same color, I couldn't capture us as a couple anymore.

Raising his one eyebrow perfectly, he walked closer, contemplating me from top to bottom, making my heart race when he came closer slowly, checking me out.

"I-Is there something wrong?" I asked hesitantly, averting my gaze, not remembering when was the last time I dressed this much for him.

He offered me his hand, I took it ambiguously as he kissed the back of my palm, "You look angelic, Eileen. I knew green would suit you after all." He smirked, not removing his eyes which increased my heartbeats.

"T-Thanks.. Y-you look handsome t-too." I stumbled upon my words, glancing at him for a second, not sure how to react.

His smirk grew wider, pulling me closer, one hand secured around my back while his other moved under my chin, making me stare back into his orbs.

"You know, I feel delighted to know that I have successfully stolen you from this world." He whispered, pressing his thumb on my chin, parting my lips slowly.

"That you belong right next to me and no one in this world could possess you." He whispered, leaning his face lethally closer to my lips. My breath stopped, I shivered when his mint breath reached me.

His lips were almost nearing mine but stopped at the end, smirking and pulled away, doing this to see my reaction so it could satiate his daily dose of fear.

"I wish I could indulge in this too." I mumbled, turning my gaze away but he abruptly pulled me closer to fall on his chest.

"You do realize your tongue has forgotten its limits, right?" He whispered seductively, amused to etch the fright I was gradually losing.

"I apologize." I apologized quickly, not wanting to do anything at the moment which could displease him

"Hmm." He hummed as we left for our ball.

And... as suspected. I couldn't act at all. I was terrible, I shivered, I stuttered, my expressions were all over the place. See what I did after he especially warned me not to.

"How are you, Mrs Stellios?" The host, Jake smiled, offering me a glass of wine.

"F-Fine." I mumbled, taking the glass, lowering my gaze, taking it slowly.

"Weather's bad today. It's raining heavily. Your place is far from here too, you guys are welcome to stay if you want." He informed us, chuckling a little but my mind was present somewhere else.

"No, we will be fine. Rain would only make this beautiful." Sebastian said in my stead because right now, my lips were sealed shut.

"You sure are lucky to have him as your partner, right? I bet he must have bowed all the riches before you." He teased, smirking at Sebastian who proficiently faked a chuckle.

I have seen past those fake laughs, promises and façade. I know the man behind this frontage.

"Of course, Eileen is my world after all." He chuckled, wrapping his hand around my shoulder which made me jerk my body.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, perplexed.

"Yeah, she gets chills whenever I touch her." He smirked playfully, controlling the situation while glaring at me.

"Really?" He inquired because I was unable to smile. I couldn't fake happiness and Sebastian's glare was making it harder for me.

"Hmm." I barely hummed after gathering all my courage.

We quickly made an excuse. I was about to walk away to a corner to avoid further socializing but to make things harsh, Sebastian gripped my wrist firmly.

His smile was shining but I could feel my skin crawling in dread, I could feel his fury emanating and traveling to my core to embed terror.

We went to an empty corridor as he pushed me against the wall, not leaving my wrist, left red marks on it, gripping my jaw with the other hand, making me terrified.

"I fucking warned you, Eileen. Can't you just curl those damn lips upward once?" He hissed, pressing me harder against the wall, hovering over me.

"S-Sebastian, I-I told you, I-I can't act..." I whimpered, trembling when he glared directly into my soul to stop this before he did something.

He was towering over me, blocking my way to see nothing but him. His presence crushing me, curling my toes, I felt weak when he bore into mine.

Panting, I could feel suffocation in his proximity while he was nearing those stern orbs, stealing my functioning but his intense look.

"I.. can't.. Pretend..." I barely managed to whisper, moving my head back to part from his dead serious ones and regaining my breath but he gripped my neck possessively, moving to my hair to hold them.

I winced in pain when he forced me to maintain the frightening link he created, not liking my actions.

"You have to and you will." He whispered back in a growl, tightening his grasp which released a yelp.

"Sebastian, please." I pleaded with him, shutting my eyes. Powerless before his supremacy, I couldn't do anything but to request him to leave me.

Praying for a last hand of hope, I heard a voice, "Sebastian? What are you doing there?"

Thankfully, Sebastian pulled away, turning to see a guest there. He was drunk, barely in his senses. Trying to look properly.

I turned away quickly, taking support from the wall to regain my senses.

"Nothing." He scoffed, taking my hand, looking away, enraged that he broke the connection we shared which only scared me.

"We are leaving." He enunciated, not bothering to hear his response or see anyone else. My heart skipped a beat, not knowing what to say. Staying here would only make things worse.

Without resisting, we left the party under the heavy rain.


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