30- Important Talks

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"He heard my voice. He heard it for the first time..."

The next day, I felt heavy breaths on my neck. My small body was clasped in large arms, holding me near his heart. Opening my eyes slowly, I looked up at the man who embraced me all night to dispel my fear.

Knowing all too well that he is my greatest fear.

I don't know if he will be the same as last night or not. Though I wanted him too and I don't know myself. What took over me that I blurted those nonsense talks?

But it feels light after taking out the talks that were crushing me constantly. I felt relieved.

Him being a light sleep, woke up when I shifted a little to leave his arms and sit up. I gasped and moved back when he groaned and opened his eyes slowly.

I was afraid that he might have forgotten what happened and now nothing but his amusement matters anymore and we were back to the point I tried to run from.

"What?" He asked, looking at me with his sleepy eyes, exhausted clearly.

"D-Did I wake you up?" I asked, maintaining a fair distance from him as he didn't respond and looked at the time.

"It's too early, let's go back to sleep." He yawned, opening his arm again for me to lay down again. I was hesitant, I felt frozen to sleep in his arms in all my senses.

He noticed my hesitation and thankfully didn't force me to lay and removed it, shifted to his side and covered his face with his hands.

Not making a further talk, I climbed under the covers and moved to my side, clutching the sheet, feeling my heartbeats becoming wild. The more I thought about last night, the more it was perturbing me. I was worried. I was distressed.

'Did I make the right choice? He won't take advantage of my vulnerable state, right?'

But thankfully to drag me out from those thoughts, tiredness washed over me and I fell asleep again.

I finally woke up after sinking into the momentary tranquility and stretched my arms when the bright light of our room was on.

Yawning, I looked on the other side and it was empty. Looking up, I saw Sebastian getting ready for work. He was buttoning his usual black shirt, wearing his waistcoat and rolled his sleeves to the elbow until he noticed me being awake.

Stopping for a second, he turned to me. Making my breath hitch, "M-Morning.." Stammering, I clutched the sheets as my heart thumped when he walked up to me, standing right in front of me with his dominant posture.

He contemplated my form and sighed, asking nonchalantly, "How are you feeling?"

"F-Fine." I stuttered, curling my toes by anxiety under his piercingly mysterious gaze.

"Hmm. I am going to work. You and I need to talk when I will be back, okay?" His strict tone came, drying my throat to think what it would be.

"Okay..." I replied innocently, making a disquiet face but he ignored it and left me all alone in my worrisome thoughts.

After he left, I relaxed myself, pushing my hairs back, "What the hell was I thinking?" Whispering, I put my hand on my heart, sensing how rapidly it was beating.

I don't know what I ended up doing but I must not tangle myself with his darkness. It's dangerous and I doubt I could bear the weight of it.

I can't do this.

Taking a deep breath, I got out of the bed, freshened up, hoping to empty my mind from those unwanted and terrible thoughts, walking out of the room.

With a tired face, I was waiting for my breakfast in the dining hall until Mrs Stellios came, rushing to my side.

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