44- Crestfallen

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~ Eileen ~

"You guys changed the flow of our relationship entirely. "

I didn't know who he was or what happened, all in my mind was to run away and not appear before Sebastian. At least not before he regains his posture and realizes what he ended up doing.

Running to my room, I sat on the bed, covering my mouth, shutting my eyes to not cry anymore or shed a tear for the man who didn't deserve it.

He had ravaged my life, I didn't want to stay with him anymore, things felt scattered.

He is crazy and if he could do this today then he could definitely be much worse later too. He stole any reason for me to hold expectations.

"Eileen..." I gasped when the door opened and Ruben came, it was my first meeting with him and the worst.

He resembled Sebastian in real life more than the pictures.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. No one is going to hurt you..." He whispered softly. He might look like Sebastian but he was thankfully not like him. Coming closer, he tried to help me calm down.

"S-Sebastian?" I asked, wiping my eyes to remove tears, holding the hem of my dress, shaking in dread to think what he would have done to me if they hadn't come to save me.

"He won't anymore." He whispered, coming closer. A kind smile came on his lips, completing his sentence, "Because he is afraid."

"What?" Astonished at his response, I narrowed my eyes, sniffling to control myself and pay attention to his unforeseen words, "Afraid?"

Nodding, he stood before me, "He was shaking in fear because he dared to raise his hand against you." He whispered, telling me what I couldn't fathom to imagine.

"Why.. would he?" I mumbled, lowering my gaze, holding my arm, nibbling on my bottom lips, refusing to believe. He is a cluster of heartlessness, me and my feelings are meaningless to him.

Ruben chuckled, taking a step closer, bending on one knee before me enunciating what I had stopped thinking about long ago.

"Because my brother had fallen in love, Silly girl."

My features hardened, turning my head away, hearing this only clenched my heart, "Don't be ridiculous."

If he loved me then why didn't he listen to me? Why didn't my voice reach him when I was sobbing badly?

I couldn't believe in those empty words. Everything felt like a lie at this point.

"That is not true. He shot my friend. He had killed people, he had terrified me, he is a monster. He could never love anyone." I growled. By all means, Sebastian and loving someone didn't fit in a sentence. That man cannot love anyone.

"That's what I believed too. I thought he could never change but come with me." He sighed, getting up, motioning me to go after him.

I was hesitant but followed him, tensed what he wanted to show me as I had no intentions of facing Sebastian at the moment.

He took me near the railing where Sebastian and that guy Asad were standing.

"Look at his face and hand. And you know what? I had never seen him like this." He whispered and I noticed it too. He was looking down, his left hand was shaking badly but-

Why didn't it tremble when he raised it? Why didn't he tremble when he hurt me?

"This mere sight doesn't prove anything. He should have controlled himself in the first place." I muttered, hugging my sides, not wanting to even look at him. Seeing him was breaking my heart.

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