65- Promise Of A Lifetime

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Blinking, I couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing but the sound of his laugh and felicity made it clear that it was no deception.

There he stood, in that heavy rain, confessing his love.

“Sebastian… You’re serious, right?” Asking vaguely, my steps moved forward slowly towards him.

Swallowing hard, I was trying to contemplate the sight because not in my dreams I expected him to confess like that. 

“Do you think I would joke about this?” He smirked, holding his hand out to me again.

Those clouded eyes filled with a thick layer of adoration, with an inexplicable elation, willing to take a step forth and forget this world.

“So come and take my hand, my love.” 

And without thinking twice, I ran to him, taking his hand and jumping into his arm, breaking into a cry of pure happiness.

“I love you, I love you so much, Sebastian.” Whispering, I held him tightly, shutting my eyes to feel his warmth, mixing with the coldness of the water.

In his arms, this cold rain felt warm, every coldness gave me warmth when he held me like this. With our eyes closed we embraced each other. 

“This is my home now, this is where I belong now.” Whispering, he cupped my cheek with all his affection.

When our eyes linked, I held his shirt to pull him as much closer as I could, living for this moment to submerge me in his aura and take me away.

“It’s either you now or death.”

My mouth gaped at his enunciation, covering his mouth, I shook my head in denial. When my palm touched his lips, a shiver went down my spine.

“Don’t say this, what will I do without you?” Whispering, I removed my hands gradually, lowering my gaze shyly.

“It’s the opposite actually. Who am ‘I’ without you?” 

He chuckled, brushing his nose against mine, entering the city of my heart with no intention of leaving.

Giggling at his sweet and unforeseen talks, I was about to turn my head away but he held my chin to ensure his eyes won’t part from my eyes.

“Don’t look away from me now.” 

Murmuring, his thumb brushed against my lips, increasing my heartbeats immensely.

"My heart has become fragile in your matter. I couldn’t bear any distance anymore." He chuckled, intoxicating me.

Drying my lips with the desire to feel his tenderness, to melt entirely in his touch and live into this moment. Our breaths synced like our gazes, eradicating distances between us.

“I love you, Eileen.” 

My heart skipped a beat when he whispered using his most charming tone, pressing his lips upon mine, giving me the euphoria I hadn’t experienced before.

Pulling his shirt, I shut my eyes, greeting the sweetness of his lips. He held the side of my neck, moving our lips in a mystic rhythm. 

His other hand went to my hair, pulling them slightly but endearingly, making me moan and press my chest against his. Colliding our beats as if they were made for each other; kissing passionately.

Pouring our love and desire into our actions, our lips were connected perfectly, kissing lovingly in this rain to enhance the mesmerization.

With a sincere smile, we both pulled away to catch our breaths. Opening our eyes simultaneously, our hands were locked to feel the perfection of it. 

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