8- You Are So Dead

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"How my dreams shattered in one moment was unfathomable. Before I knew it, I was in an entirely different world."

It's night, I was still in the bed, clutching the sheets closer to my chest. Each time this door opens, I get frightened, thinking it might not be Sebastian.

His presence had induced immense terror in my mind. I cannot believe in a matter of heartbeat, my emotions changed. All it took was one glimpse of his true face and I knew I made a wrong choice.

But, how sweet he was. How beautifully we used to talk over phone, how he smiled at me. Those words when we got married- was all of it a lie?

He was a perfect man- or least that is what he showed to the world.

With my face hidden in the sheet, I no longer held the strength to confront him. Dread had consumed my mind. I feel suffocated now.

My heart skipped a beat when the sound of the door being opened reached me. This time, I don't need to peek. It's him. This strong scent, those heavy footsteps approaching me.

Shutting my eyes, I pretended to sleep but the shiver I received only to feel him standing behind me cannot hide itself.

"Eileen." His stern tone called.

Before I could react, he grabbed the sheets and pulled them down roughly.

"I know you are awake." He said, taking the sheets off, clearly not liking my action of trying to hide myself.

Narrowing my eyes, I held the pillow, making an almost crying face, worried what he might do.

"Stop shaking. Your parents are here to see you." He said coldly, contemplating my form before placing his both hands across from me and leaning to my ear.

"You better go along with my words and don't you fucking dare to create a scene with them. Keep those lips sealed." He warned me in a low but firm whisper, sending unnerving distress down my spine.

"Unless you want me to leave you unable to meet anyone ever again." He said, holding my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"I-I understand." I whimpered, not trying to do anything which could displease him at the moment. I don't want to think what he could do.

I had already seen I don't matter to him. I am simply a toy, my worth is mere dust and he wouldn't stumble once before annihilating my whole bloodline.

"Good girl. I am calling them in." He said, pulling away a little and clearing his throat, leaving me alone to call my parents.

I sat up, drinking some water to regain my cognition. I am a terrible actor. I am not someone who could hide her feelings. Taking a deep breath, I forced out a shaky smile.

As I was worried about how I would react, the door opened and Papa rushed to my side, hugging me.

"Oh, Eileen, My love. How are you?" Papa asked, kissing my head and sitting beside me.

"I am fine..." I whispered, looking down.

"When Sebastian told us Rick shot you, we got extremely worried. Are you okay now?" Mama asked, on the verge of crying but I remained still.

My eyes widened in disbelief. Looking up at Sebastian, he held an unreadable expression, leaning against the bedpost. Utterly disinterested.

"Things got out of hand and I had to take action in self-defense. Thankfully the matter didn't reach the media." His tone changed instantly.

The fake charming one he used on me to lure me in this fake gallantry.

With a dropped jaw, I cannot believe his lies, keeping my parents under fake reality.

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