11- The Call

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"It hurts, from these months of engagement, lovely talks, fake dreams. All of it hurts."

It's been a week. My foot is now healed. It hurts a little but it's okay. I wonder what he told my parents that they didn't come to see me again. They called everyday but didn't come to see each other again.

Or else I know my Father, one scratch and he stays until it's healed and now... mere calls?

Staring at the ceiling with unwanted thoughts, I could feel my chest stinging.

I know if he could shoot my foot without a second. He wouldn't hesitate to end my breaths either. If I ever failed to provide him the entertainment he sought- he might kill me.

He would eradicate me as if I didn't exist in the first place.

Turning, I glanced and saw him sleeping, one hand under his head, taking deep breaths. Even when sleeping he looks dominant. Making a sour expression. I sat up.

Dying to go as far as I could from this room, from his unbearable presence. I pressed my foot on the floor but it suddenly hurt which made me wince.

"Argh." Being a light sleep who wakes up by scant breaths, my wince woke him instantly which made him grab my wrist in an iron grip.

"Don't move." He yawned, not bothering to open his eyes but not leaving my wrist either.

"Tsk." Scoffing, I yanked my hand back, pulling my foot up, glaring at him but opening his eyes slowly, he smirked victoriously.

"Gotta ensure you won't run." He shrugged, sitting up, rubbing his shoulder which made his ripped muscles visible through the shirt.

One could tell by his built body that it's not for show. He could definitely crush me in his arms. Turning my eyes away, not wanting to look at his tempting body, I grit my teeth.

"Fatuous of you, if you think I won't. A wound couldn't stop me." I muttered, clutching the sheets firmly, certainly in a mood to piss him off at the break of dawn.

"Then run. I will see how far you will go." He mumbled back, disinterested in my bravery, knowing he had it wrapped around his fingers. He can break it whenever he wants.

"I will. One day, I will go so far that you won't be able to reach me ever. I would leave and never return." I growled, enunciating my intentions, dying to run as far as possible.

"There is not a single place left where you can hide from me." He smirked, discarding my declaration. It all means nothing to him.

"Hmph." Scoffing, I rolled my eyes off, turning to get out of the bed again this time carefully but he grabbed my arm, frowning.

"You know, it irks me when you don't display fear. Show me what tempts me, your bravery won't lead you anywhere." He said- ordered me to be afraid and obey him quietly.

"I hate you. You are disgusting." I hissed, pulling my hand away, well aware my actions are going to result in something fatal.

"Don't touch-" Like I said, before I could complete this sentence. My chest collided with his hard one, glaring down while holding my arms rigidly,

"Were you saying something, hmm?" Asking temptingly, his hot breath lingered on my neck, evoking a fretful shiver I was trying to conceal.

I yelped in pain when he held my arm to leave a mark, shutting my eyes in fear which pleased him, "Ah, there was the fear I wanted to witness."

Chuckling, he continued, face inclined to mine, forcing me to look into his unbearable silver snow.

"Did you see, Eileen?" Humming, his other hand moved around my throat to ensure I won't move. My heart began to race, lips parting to speak but my voice stuck. Not wanting to enrage him further.

"Within a matter of a heartbeat, I can hold you down, grasp you right in my palm with no escape." He spoke of the painful reality I tend to neglect, holding me down.

"Let me go." Whispering, I lowered my gaze sorrowfully.

"Hmm?" Humming, he brushed his lips against mine.

"Please..." I pleaded, holding my shirt firmly but he didn't favor my actions in the slightest.

"Do not try to shake the balance of power, Eileen. I hold the authority and you can never compete with my power." He warned in a strict whisper, my heart thumped rapidly, turning my hand and feet cold at this overwhelming power.

"If you want me to show my power then I will gladly do this." Whispering, he shifted, pinning me down properly to get on top.

"No.." WIth distress gleaming on my face, I shook my head. He was holding my arm as I held his shirt, trying to move back but he pulled down to lock me perfectly under him.

"Ah, don't squirm away. Come here." Smirking at my failed struggle, he loved my futile attempts to save myself from this beast.

"Sebastian, please, I am sorry." Whispering, that is all I could do to stop him.

"I won't do it again. Please." I shouldn't have provoked him in the first place. He won't budge for a second before reminding me my position.

"You-" He was about to growl but his phone rang.

"Y-Your phone." I said hurriedly, hoping to shift his attention there. He frowned deeply. Resenting who called him to ruin his enlivenment.

Sighing, he moved back, I tried to move back but he kept holding me.

"You are not going anywhere." He ordered, determined to teach me a lesson to control my tongue this time.

"Hello?" Grabbing his phone, he attended the call rudely, pulling me to sit up in his lap and wrapped his hand around my waist to hold me close to him.

"Right now?" His discontent deepened.

My heart skipped a beat in dread, thinking he might take it out on me. He noticed the tension which traveled in my body and looked over at me for a second.

A devilish smirk reached his lips, biting them seductively, scanning my body with the intention to break it. Narrowing my eyes in dejection, I shook my head in denial.

But, it made his smirk grow wider and press me harder against him. Before he could continue his action, thankfully the call brought his attention.

"Hmm?- Yeah, Yeah, I am listening." He spoke nonchalantly but soon his smirk vanished.

"Huff, fine." Swallowing hard, I stopped resisting and let him hold me possessively no matter how repugnant it feels.

"Whatever." Muttering, he cut the call, he threw his phone away leaving me as well, indicating his interest in tormenting me is gone as well.

Sighing in relief, I moved back as far as I could from him, glancing nervously at him.

"Get ready and dress up well. My parents are dying to meet their daughter-in-law." He said coldly, getting out of the bed, stretching his arms.

"Don't-" He was about to say strictly but I completed his sentence.

"I won't tell a-anyone about u-us." I shivered, definitely not preferring to outrage him like I did with Papa.

"Not that, I don't give a fuck. They know what a fiend their son is. They are here to console you. That's why." He said nonchalantly. He doesn't care at all what his parents think.

Do people like him exist?

"Don't be swayed by their words. If they say they can save you from me. Don't trust them; nothing can. This is engraved on the skylines."

I trembled when he said it. Though, I have no expectations from the couple who gave birth to someone like him. And besides, their consolation cannot mend my heart.

"Do I make myself clear?" He commanded.

"Y-Yes." I nodded.

With his back to me, he ordered before going to freshen up, "Good. Now, get up."


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