34- Beautiful

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"That rain was beautiful… at least for me…"

We were in the rain. I was looking out of the window while hugging my knees, hoping to pass time while someone else was busy playing the greatest game of all time. Note the sarcasm. 

I was frowning deeply, trying to close my eyes and shift my mind elsewhere, hearing the raining sound to get lost in it and divert my mind to anything but food.

But, I failed, all I could think of was food. Anything would be fine at this point. 

My frown deepened as I hid my face in my knees. Holding myself tightly, biting the inside of my cheek when the sound of his game reached my ears, frustrating me.

Sweet! Tasty! Argh. Shut up. The sound of it was pissing me off.

I was praying that he loses whatever level he was playing and his lives runs out so he had to wait twenty minutes for another.

I remained like this and heard him sighing finally. Puffing, I looked up and saw him cursing under his breath, "Dammit."

Great thing you lost.

He put his phone in his pocket and turned to me, "Eileen." His stern voice came, jerking my body at his sudden attention. 

"What?" I mumbled, hugging myself closer, curling my lips downwards.
"Take off your dress." He commanded, stiffening my bones. My heart skipped a beat, astounding me at his unforeseen order.

"W-Why?" I stuttered, curling my toes, not having enough strength to share intimacy, especially in the car. 

"I said take off your dress." He ordered, unbuttoning his coat, not in the mood to hear resistance.

Now I think him playing Candy Crush was far better.

Gulping, I bit my cheek when he took off his coat, left only in his waistcoat and perfectly matching black shirt, making his broad muscles prominent. I was hesitant while pulling down my zipper slowly, not lifting my eyes, feeling uncomfortable, undressing in a car. 

My heart was pounding abnormally, disturbed, starving and disobedience was deadly at the moment.

"Faster, dammit." Growling, he pulled down my zipper roughly, helping me to take off my dress, damaging the expensive dress in the process as I was left in my petticoat.

"Sebastian, I-" I was about to tell him that I can't do anything here, I don’t have enough strength but he moved closer and put his coat over my head, bewildering me.

"Keep my phone and wallet in your purse." He said coldly, putting his phone in my purse before giving it back.

I was confused at his action but taking a long inhale he grabbed his keys and got out of the car and came to my side, opening my door.

"Sebastian? What are you doing?" I asked, taken aback when I felt a cold breeze from the wind, forming goosebumps over my skin.

"Hold on tight, keep the purse and put the coat over your head." He told me nonchalantly. 

I slid the chain of my purse over my shoulder, opening my mouth to ask him why but to no avail.

Before my mind could register, he wrapped his hands around me and lifted me from the seat, holding me like bridal style.

"W-What are you doing?" I gasped at his actions, wrapping my arms instinctively around his neck, holding his coat with my other hand to save myself from this hitting rain.

"There is an inn nearby. No one  could come for the next twenty four hours. The fuel is ending too, we have to leave." He explained what was happening.

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