50- Fortuitous

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~ Sebastian ~

I was outside Eileen's parents place, knowing what their reaction could be, standing there to redeem my mistake.

What is that woman doing to me? Making me do what no one fathomed I would do? Me, Sebastian Stellios, apologizing?

Why would I? It's their stupidity why did they force her to stay in the first place? Why did they try to oppose me?

"What a drag." I sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Should I tag along, Boss?" Dave asked but I glared at him in return, that asshole was amused to witness the unforeseen moment but I was resenting each second of it.

"Shut up." I growled.

Taking a deep breath, I regained my posture and went inside where her parents were waiting for me. Thankfully Eileen was not present or else it would be much harder for me.

I wasn't nervous when I chained Eileen in my domain like a prey perfectly, when I manipulated all of them but I am now.

"You can do this." Giving myself strength, I went inside, greeting her parents who were obviously frightened with a sour face. They hated my presence.

They were horrified of me, bringing an awkward silence and I didn't know what to say or how to react. I didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Sebastian..." Thankfully Mr Lior began to speak, removing this heavy silence. They started the talk, now I just need to lead it.

"Yes?" I asked softly, my hands behind my back, trying as much gallantly as I could, hoping to cease some of their fright.

"We only agreed because Eileen said. No matter what you are to the world but I beg you, please spare my daughter, please don't hurt her-" He was about to continue but I cut him off sincerely.

"You don't have to worry about Eileen, Sir. She is my exception and I am extremely sensitive when it comes to her. I could never hurt her, she is where no one is." I told him the position of Eileen I had never shared with anyone except Eileen of course, she knows it.

"I know I made a hasty decision and created a wreck and I deeply apologize for it, this won't happen again but as I said, I lose myself when it comes to her. I am sorry." I said, looking down, biting the inside of my cheeks.

I was growling internally, I was infuriated that I was doing what I never thought I would. I didn't have to apologize, in fact, they should apologize to me but huff, what can I say?

Sometimes you have to do what you hate without your will.

"We only want our daughter's be safe." Mrs Lior added, worried about Eileen and I understand her concern. Where I stand, life holds no guarantee.

"Don't worry, I will protect her at all costs." I said though I was not sure about it myself. But, under all circumstances, I didn't want her to end up like Valencia.

I would protect Eileen.

It took me an hour in order to convince them to listen to me, to not create havoc again and give me a chance. It was tiring, I was losing my patience but if it wasn't for Eileen, I wouldn't be here.

Finally after wasting an hour of mine, I returned back to home, taking a day off. My mood was ruined after wasting my time, I wanted to go home now.

On my way back, we stopped at the signal and my eyes fell upon the flower shop in the corner. I tried to ignore it as badly as I could but to no avail. Unwillingly, my mind trailed off to times when we were engaged.

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