26- Unwanted Thoughts

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~ Sebastian ~

I was in my workplace, sitting on my seat, leaned back with my dagger twirling around my fingers with a scowl plastered on my lips.

"Then, how come my voice is reaching you when you can't hear it in the first place? How can my words make a difference or change your perspective when you cannot hear?"

I grit my teeth when I heard her words. Tightening my grip over my dagger.

"Ahh!" The man I captured who couldn't pay my debts screamed when Jacob and Dave were ripping his nails.

Begging me for life but I cannot hear his voice. His screams were muted and I loved hearing nothing from this weak mouth.

'Then why the fuck her voice is echoing in my ear!?'

"Please... I beg you, I will return your money, I swear..." He sobbed but I ignored him, my one leg over the other, sleeves rolled perfectly with a few buttons opened by the heat.

"Leave it, you wouldn't understand."

I don't even want to understand. My rage was enhanced when I heard the voice, a soft murmur I have never heard in my entire life and it was disrupting my whole functioning. It's frustrating.

"Why such obsession with me?"

"Ahh!" Another scream and it was the last string of my patience. He is affecting my trails of undesirable and foreign thoughts and I resented it.

"Why don't you stop your screams and listen to mine? They will be worthwhile too."

"Goddammit, shut this damn mouth!" Growling, I threw my dagger at him, hitting him right between his brows, killing him instantly with the bullseyes.

But, honestly it was directed to the neglect echo in my mind and not him. I don't want anyone to stumble upon my abyss, not even that woman of yesterday.

They are mine, I belong there. No one can steal my solace from me.

"Boss?!" Dave and Jacob gasped at my rash action but I am not in the best of condition at the moment.

"Boss, we weren't supposed to kill him. Henry Days was a well known businessman, it could affect us." Dave reasoned, not liking my hasty action but glaring at him to seal his mouth, I rose from my seat.

"Do you think I care?" I asked coldly, rising from my seat, resting my hand in my pockets, giving him a death-stare to not mention this topic.

"Clean this mess." Ordering, I walked out of the basement with a scowl lingering over my face. I made a fist with a clenched jaw, my mind was lost in unwanted pondering.

"Is.. everything okay, Boss?" Elyna came after noticing the growl over my face but rolling my eyes off, I didn't bother to reply.

I have been a man of desires and instinctive actions but rash reactions were never a part of me and all because of that damn woman.

Oh, she will pay for daring to raise a dysfunctioning in my ability to fathom. How dare she.

"I am exhausted, I am going home. Take care of things here." I ordered, pulling down my sleeves, grabbing my coat from Elyna and wearing, buttoning my shirt.

"Okay..." She trailed off, taken aback to see me like this but sighing deeply, I tried to regain my posture and satisfy my thirst of fear so I could stop whatever the hell was happening.

Feeding on her fear is my only option left to tranquilize the storm I have recently and unintentionally gained. She gave me those sensations and she would be the one to eradicate them.

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