33- Hunger and Rain

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"I wanted to call him an asshole at that moment so badly."

My feet moved by his commanding presence on their own. Following him quietly out of the party with a distressed face to think what he would do when we will go home.

"Woah, Sebastian, where are you going? The announcement was about to start." Jake came in between when he saw us leaving, smirking at us.

I know he was his rival and wanted to flex his sales but only if he knew Sebastian's work was much deeper and darker than he could fathom.

Only if he was a simple businessman.

"Eileen is not feeling well." He replied impassively, pulling me closer to hide my distressed expressions.

"Oh, is that why you seemed uncomfortable?" He asked, making an 'o' face but trying not to augment Sebastian's anger, I nodded timidly, not looking up.

"You should definitely stay then. I'll arrange a room for you guys. It's raining heavily, Sebastian, it won't stop for hours. Are you sure you want to leave?" He insisted for us to stay but I doubt Sebastian would agree.

"I appreciate your concern but Eileen wants to go home." He flashed a perfect pseudo smile convincing enough to make my Father and me say yes for the marriage- leaving a party was not a big deal.

That damn smile.

The smile which made me fall deeply, 'Would you accompany me for the rest of my life, Eileen Lior?' He said it before everyone.

I was naïve to have faith in him in the first place. Once a broken trust could never be formed again. Everything feels like a lie now. I couldn't trust him anymore.

'Forget it, Eileen. As he said, erase that memory of him. Don't think.'

Anyways, without exchanging further talks, we went to the parking lot to get our car as I prepared myself for a dreadful two hours car ride.

"Sebastian, I am sorry, I will try... M-Maybe we should stay." I whispered, tugging his sleeve to get his attention when I could hear rain in this underground lot.

"We are over this shitty party." He muttered, opening my door, helping me sit in the car with my heavy dress.

"A-Aren't you angry with me?" I asked hesitantly as he closed my door and sat on the driver's seat.

"I didn't want to come here in the first place. Your bad acting only gave me an excuse to leave and a reminder to not take you out to an event again." He muttered rudely.

"I expected this demeanor." He scoffed, definitely expecting I would do this but it could also hinder the so-called image he had formed before the world so leaving was the best option after all.

I don't want to be anywhere with him in the first place, it only terrifies me.

"So.. you are not angry, right? You won't do anything?" I asked innocently which made him look right into my eyes strictly, warning, "Do you want me to?"

"No!" Shaking my head immediately, I shivered when he asked with direness.

"Then shut up." He scolded, starting the car as we left the ball.

Humming, I didn't argue, not daring to ruin his already smeared mood.

I was looking out of the window, staring at the rain making harsh sounds. I could feel this was the type of rain which hits your skin and makes it sting.

Imagining how cold it must be, I shivered but shaking my head, I closed my eyes, considering it the best to sleep for now.

Darkness fell upon my eyes and since car rides make me exhausted, I couldn't help but to sleep through them. Yawning, before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I slept for a good hour until my stomach growled, indicating the hollowness inside it.

I was finally at lull at the moment but starving woke me because I couldn't get to eat anything at the ball. Talking went so long and Sebastian didn't let me leave either so I couldn't have anything.

"Argh..." Groaning, I stretched my arms, waking up slowly, not liking to see we were halfway through and this rain had sworn to not stop.

"Sebastian..." I called him hesitantly but his stoic and dominant features sealed my voice, "What?" I could feel the glare he would give me if I asked to stop by for food.

"Nothing." Shaking my head, I looked out of the window again, feeling weak from hunger getting the best of me but I didn't dare to open my mouth and tell him that.

Forming my lips in a thin line, I was gathering my courage to tell Sebastian and hope he won't get angry. He was already exasperated and to make the situation worse- The car stopped.

"Dammit" Cursing, Sebastian slammed his hand on the steering wheel and called Dave, "Dave, I told you to take the car to maintenance, didn't I?" He growled. And it seems like Dave didn't and now he was yelling at him. But, his fury stiffed me.

'You can hear me, right? Then hear, I am starving!'

"Asshole, we are stuck in the rain now! Get the damn mechanic and come here. Now!" He yelled, talking to him from where I could hear Dave saying that roads are blocked, enhancing his anger and my apprehension.

"Fuck!" Cursing, he cut the call, gritting his teeth. I didn't dare to ask him either. I could feel fumes emitting from him and disturbing him for now would be a foolish action.

Cursing under his breath, his wrathful expressions affixed. He was using his phone, doing something about this state and a way to do something about this car.

We sat in the car for a few minutes of silence and him going through his phone, scowling lingering on his face. What exactly is he doing on his phone?

"Don't you know.. How to fix the car?" I asked, opening my seatbelt and hugging my knees because we were not going anywhere for a long time now.

"If I did, I would have done something about it." His impassive voice came, refreshing his network to catch some signals. Sighing loudly, I hugged my knees causing him to stop his action and look up at me.

His eyes scanned me for a second with an inscrutable expression I was unable to encrypt, "If you are tired, lay down in the back and go back to sleep. This might take a while." He said after a while but I shook my head in denial.

"I don't want to. I can't sleep." I mumbled, putting my chin on my knees, not wanting to move or lay down. I couldn't sleep from hunger anyways.

"Fine then. Hurt your back." He scoffed, rolling his eyes off and going back to his phone which was irking me at this point.

My dress was heavy, My stomach was empty, my eyes were heavy and all he was doing was using his phone.

"Hello?- I am speaking from- Hello?- He- Dammit." He cursed when network issues came as he was engrossed in his screen. This time, killing time by idling around, playing candy crush on his phone to pass time until the mechanic comes and fix this damn car.

He didn't bother to see me for a second. Utterly focused on matching those damn three candies of that game!

I snarled but since when I was in-charge? Never.

So, keeping my mouth, anger and starvation shut, I began to look out at the rain, hoping for the time to pass and a help to reach us and take us out from this miserable rain with one word repeating in my mind as I glared at him from the corner of my eyes.


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