52- Gathering Of Aces

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~ Sebastian ~

"Scream!" I yelled, stabbing the person under me mercilessly as his blood fell on my face but my hands didn't tremble once before spilling his blood. I wanted more of it.

"STOP, SEBASTIAN, STOP!" The person under me screamed from the bottom of it's lungs but I couldn't hear it.

Its voice was not reaching me.

It was trying to push me away but I lost my mind before the voices which were manipulating me. They wanted this person to scream so I could hear it but to no avail- I couldn't.

"I said, SCREAM!" I yelled again, losing my whole identity and focusing on torturing this person so I could hear it.

And when I did, everything went blank, "AHH!"

It was dark, too dark, my mind was blank, I couldn't think, I couldn't react. This darkness was not as homely as it was before. The abyss was suffocating me.

I woke up with a gasp from the nightmare I had which dried my throat. I didn't remember the last time I had this sight in my nightmare.

"Boss?" Dave asked, arching a brow at my demeanor but I grabbed the water bottle hastily and drank some.

"Did you see that again?" He asked, narrowing his eyes with compassion. Gritting my teeth, I leaned back on my seat and nodded, panting heavily.

"Must be because of Sir Ruben." He said, telling the reason why I had that nightmare but I couldn't bear it.

"Fuck!" Cursing under my breath, I hit the armrest.

We were on our flight to America to witness the public execution of the almighty Plague Doctor, the biggest criminal, the number one Ace but as if killing him could be this easy.

"Is everything okay?" Dave asked, worried about me. Glancing at him for a second, I inhaled in disappointment, telling him.

"I am afraid, Dave." I confessed, making a disquiet face, staggering him intensely to fathom what could scare me.

"Of what?" He asked instantly, even more worried about me now.

"I couldn't hear him back then. He kept begging me to stop but I didn't. My hands didn't tremble, I kept going."

I began to tell him the sight I could never forget. The sight which had darkened my heart to the point I resent my own being.

Gulping hard, I turned to Dave, telling him why exactly I was frightened in the first place.

"The same happened with Eileen too. She kept telling me to stop, to bring me back but I couldn't hear her. I didn't stop, Dave." I whispered, looking down at my hand which was shaking from dread.

It had been a devilishly long time since I felt it.

"I already lost him. If I did the same thing with Eileen, I might end up losing her as well. Asad won't wait a second before filing the divorce. He would take away my Eileen too." I whispered, lips trembling and it had been so long.

Dave forgot how fright felt on my face but by all means, I couldn't hurt Eileen. I had already done it once, I didn't want to do it anymore.

"I am afraid that out of jealousy I will definitely do something which would break her beyond repair." I continued, lowering my head, covering half of my face in my hand.

Closing my eyes, trying to neglect these thoughts but they were manipulating me, making me lose my mind.

"Wasn't she just a prey? Why does it hurt you?" He asked, pushing me more into abysmal thoughts.

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