58- Madness

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My head was throbbing badly, I was waiting for Sebastian to call me once but he didn't. The distress was crushing me bit by bit, It was getting harder to maintain my posture.

I doubt Sebastian would be pleased to hear my confession.

My mind was surrounded with many troubles and holding them at bay, I decided to come back home and wait for Sebastian there.

"Madam." Sam called, dragging me out from my thoughts when we stopped on the side on our way.

"Hmm?" I hummed, looking out of the window.

He opened his mouth to tell me something but looked down, shook his head and changed the words he intended to speak.

"The car had some issues. It might take some time. Please go back with the other car." He informed me before getting out.

"What's the point of going there early? Who is waiting for me there anyways? Fix it, I will wait." I chuckled dryly, shaking my head, not interested in going there in loneliness.

But, I was amazed at myself because I died to stay there alone and now without Sebastian, that place consisted of nothing but empty walls.

"But, Madam, it will take time." Sam tried to tell me but I heaved a loud sigh, cutting him off to not bother me and do whatever he wanted and get it fixed.

It actually took two hours. I waited, lost in my thoughts, checking my phone constantly.

This was one of the greatest inventions yet some people couldn't utilize this facility. Not thinking there will be people waiting for their one message, one call, anything.

"Hey, How are you? Are you angry with me? We can talk it out. I will listen. I will do anything, I won't disturb you again. Just don't ignore me... Please, Sebastian." I whispered, sending him another text, closing my eyes and leaning back.

I returned home after the sunset, an exhausted mind, heavy steps, I was dejected. My gaze followed the floor as I entered our empty palace.

Not wanting to think much, I sighed, going to our room and calling Mama to let her know that Sebastian was okay. It was a horrible prank and I came home so she wouldn't be worried.

I held the doorknob and I clearly remembered I locked our room before going to my place.

Narrowing my eyes, I slowly opened the door and saw the man who had stolen my sleep, my cognition, my emotions there.

After ripping off my peace, he was there in a white shirt with four of his buttons opened, revealing his toned chest, hairs slightly messing. Leaned back on the seat with a dominant posture, he was holding a glass with an empty bottle on the side.

"Sebastian? You're back?" I asked vaguely.

Closing the door behind me. Displeased that he was here but didn't bother to tell me.

"Oh, you're back?"

His dry chuckle came, lifting his clouded gaze in the dimly lit room.

"Why are you drinking so much?" I asked sadly, putting my phone away because I left in such a hurry that I only grabbed it and nothing else.

"So what?"

He slammed the glass down, stopping me for a second, perturbed about his condition.

Exhaling, he rose from his seat, walking towards me but his steps stumbled a little so I held him.

Helping him to stand properly, disappointment shone in my eyes but he failed to notice it.

"When did you come back?" I asked softly, holding him as my support but his heartless eyes couldn't see them.

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