46- Reason To Stay

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"Notice and you will find all the emotions he couldn't explain gleaming in those eyes. It was always there but I couldn't see it."

The night fell upon the sky, I couldn't get his look out of my mind. What was wrong if I made him weak? Why is accepting anything so hard for him?

I went to our room and sat on my side of the bed while Sebastian was lying with his face covered and placing everyone's words in my mind, I called him.

"Um.. Sebastian." My hesitant voice came, back then he was infuriated and wasn't listening but I know he would listen now..

"What?" He hummed, removing his hand to glance at me.

"Can I call at home and let my parents know I am okay? I promise I will make them listen to me too. Please don't cut me off from them, I only have them." I asked desperately, hoping he would listen and won't steal my family away from me at least.

"I only have three people, Mama, Papa, Sofia, please don't steal them from me. I won't do anything again, I promise. I didn't mean this to happen." I pleaded, scooting closer and tugging on his sleeves innocently, praying he wouldn't say no.

He glanced at my face for a few seconds and sighed, grabbing his phone from the nightstand, unlocked it and gave it to me because I forgot mine at my home, "There you go."

Curling my lips upwards, I mumbled a 'thanks' and when I saw his wallpaper my eyes widened. He had my picture taken during our honeymoon at Miroir D'eau when I was smiling.

"You have my picture.. As your wallpaper?" I asked, thinking I didn't see it right, taking a closer look.

"You saw it just now? It has been my wallpaper since I took it." He shrugged nonchalantly, not surprised at all.

"This is the first time I am holding your phone." I mumbled, wanting to open his gallery and see my pictures because that one was aesthetic. His camera was immaculate.

I called home, hearing my parent's cries and at the moment I was only irritated with them because-

"None of it would have happened IF ANY OF YOU HAD LISTENED TO ME!" I yelled over the phone, glaring at Sebastian as well who pretended he didn't hear me.

I tried to convince my parents but they didn't listen and shut me down from Sebastian and when I tried to tell Sebastian, Mama ruined everything by interrupting me and he couldn't hear me either.

"No- No, I am staying and it's my choice- So what?!" They were trying to make me listen but I had no intention of listening to them.

Their main concern was that Sebastian is Black Death, the biggest criminal of England.

"Fine, he will do it. Yeah, yeah he will- But, you won't do anything without letting me know beforehand- I am fine." I sighed, pushing my hairs behind, noticing how Sebastian was not removing his eyes from my face.

"Sebastian can never hit me." I enunciated, staring back dead into his eyes and he didn't like it and was about to turn his hand away but I held his injured hand.

"Fine, I told you already, he will do it. Just don't create an issue out of it anymore. I am okay and nothing else should matter to you guys." Exhaling, it took me a good hour to convince them but I finally did it.

And was arguing for an hour, my mood was smeared and snarling under my breath, I turned to Sebastian who held the same mysterious look he did on that start of the call.

"I can hit you." He spoke up, taking his phone back.

"Try it." I challenged, putting his injured hand in the air, displaying what happened when he tried to hurt me physically.

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