42- True Fury

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"And then, it all started going down... because you came."

Sebastian furiously took me out of my place smoothly after engraving a lesson in all our souls to never test his level of power again.

He held ultimate authority and going against him was equal to calling upon demise and misery.

I was foolish to hold a glimpse of hope, nothing could save me from his claws and only by thinking of the consequence of my deed, my body trembled violently.

"Sebastian..." I sobbed in a bare murmur, praying to find a glint of humanity or leftover leniency in his eyes but to no avail. He had lost his patience with me.

He threw me inside the car and hovered over me, finally leaving my hair after making them hurt by the harsh pull.

"Seb-" I opened my mouth to plead but he gripped my jaws sending a death-stare in my direction which sealed my voice absolutely accompanied by a disturbed mind and abnormal heartbeats.

"If a single sound escaped your lips now, I would fucking chain you in the room. Do I make myself clear?" He whispered, scowling at me to obey quietly this time.

With tears smeared over my face, I nodded, crawling back to the seat, covering my mouth with my hand to not utter another sound. Closing my eyes, I could feel myself losing my breaths.

But, bearing with the anguish and blended fear, I followed his words and didn't dare to speak another word the whole way.

My mind was blackened due to collecting apprehension caused by the sense of danger he managed to induce. My mind lost its ability to react properly, wiping my eyes to at least clear my vision.

But the moment my eyes cleared, all I saw was the palace I ran away from. The foreboding palace awaits its prey.

My heart began to beat at an inexplicable rate, making me shake after realizing I had nowhere to leave anymore.

Before my mind could register, Sebastian grabbed my arm, forcing me inside, holding my arm with a rigid grip, making me wince in pain.

He pushed me inside, collecting tears again to perceive what he would do. He won't stop today, he won't listen today.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE THINKING!?" He yelled, making me gasp and move back, alarming me at his raised voice. My anxiety reached its peak.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry, I tried to stop them, I swear..." Panicking, I began to cry but he was not in the mood to let it slide this time, holding my arm roughly.

"You think you would pull shit like this and I would let it slide every time, huh?!" He growled, outraged to no extent. Glaring down to my very soul to ensure it obeys him the next time.

"Please forgive me." I whispered, barely able to let out a proper resonance before his unfathomable presence, depriving my energy.

"No, no, no. You're gonna fucking get it this time. You shall see and receive a proper punishment. So you understand not to displease me again." He hissed and grabbed my throat in a firm grip, numbing my body instantly at his action, restricting my breaths.

"I-I am s.. sorry." I tried to whimper, holding wrist, hoping he would stop but locking his fingers around my locks, he chained his ruthless eyes with mine.

"Hmm? What? I couldn't hear you properly." Murmuring, his grip tightening made me gag a little which made him chuckle dryly. He is a fucking sadist.

"Oh, I am sorry? Is it harder to breathe? Tch, tch, tch," He smirked, indulging in my reaction where my life was in his hands and he was controlling it at his will.

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