38- Take Care

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"For a brief second, I thought new sparks were evoking between us. Things felt... beautiful."

Later we remained like this until the doctor came, checked me and gave me a few medicines, telling me to sleep and left after giving a few instructions.

"You sleep." Sebastian said, putting the blankets over me and turned to leave but I held his shirt.

"You took a day off for me therefore you must stay with me." I demanded with a pout, pulling his shirt childishly, burning and not wanting him to leave me alone in this room.

"I thought you told me to go away." He smirked, turning to me but I frowned in return, pulling his shirt more towards me.

"Now I am telling you to stay. Hold my hand until I fall asleep." I demand, covering half of my face with a duvet, holding my hand out to him.

"I don't recall you being the one who orders." He said playfully, taking a seat beside me, taking my hand in his. I gripped them firmly and closed my eyes.

Holding his hand began to increase my breaths, I could feel my cheeks heating up when he held me, the warmth I lost from him began to strike me with much force.

I thought I had lost this sensation with him for a long time. But, now, I wanted him to be like that but I doubt he would be. If I dared to disturb his mental state more, he wouldn't let it slide.

He had warned me already, If it continued he might do something unimaginable to me- No, no, don't think about it, Eileen. Just exist in this moment.

'Sebastian is being a human for once. Embrace the softness His Majesty is showing for now and relax.' Mentally scolding myself, I held the duvets and his hand tightly before falling into a slumber.

I woke up hours later, the medicines worked, my fever was down and I realized the hand I was holding was not Sebastian's anymore but much more familiar and protective one.

Opening my eyes groggily, I saw Papa there, holding my hand while using his phone which brought a grin to my lips as I pulled his hand.

"Eileen?" He called, putting his phone away and turning to me, grinning back, holding his hand out.

"Papa!" Beaming, I hugged him instantly, smiling widely, hiding my face in his chest, missing his arms which used to protect me from all the harms of this world.

My Father who never let any pain reach me, who gave me all the riches of this world, my hero. But sadly, my hero couldn't save me from my husband...

"Oh, My love, are you okay?" He asked, kissing the top of my head, holding my face, ruffling my hairs.

"Mhm..." I nodded, tears brimming in my eyes, holding him tightly.

"I am here now. You don't have to cry, okay?" He whispered, wiping the tear in the corner but lowering my head, I kept hugging him.

"It's going to be alright. You're gonna be just fine." That is what I couldn't be.

I don't want to be scared anymore. I don't want to live in a place where I have to fear each second. I just want my normal life back.

I just want a normal married life, not a complicated series of emotions.

"Don't leave me, Papa." I whispered, shutting my eyes, tears recollecting in my eyes. Not wanting him to leave me anymore.

"I am not going anywhere, My love." He whispered, kissing the top of my head, pulling away as I laid back down and he put the duvet over me, running his hand in my hair.

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