70- Origin Of Screams

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With a deep respect in my heart, I grew. Life was lovely, beautiful. I had everything a teenager would dream of. I was living the life of dreams like a normal guy.

Before I realized, years passed and I was sixteen. It was all fun and games but I had one dream.

Surpass Valencia.

A wish whose depth I was ignorant to. I couldn't realize the intensity of it.

But, one day, I went to show Father my result in which I obviously passed and heard them talking.

"I didn't intend to take away his teenage, Melissa. But, his admiration for Valencia had shown me a path."

Intrigued, I stopped to listen to what they were talking about.

"What path, Albert?"

"Valencia's reign proved that there can be a King and judging Sebastian's excitement. He would gladly follow her steps to take the throne."

My eyes widened, not expecting Father to recognize my wish finally.

"So you want Sebastian to...?"

"Yes. If trained well, Sebastian could take the throne of the underworld and become its King."

I almost gasped, covering my mouth with felicity. Excited to no extent to hear that.

"What about others? Wouldn't they try?" Mother asked, worried about all I could see what the position my ideal had.

I was honestly naive, unaware of the worldly filth.

"We won't but there was no promise of the future generation. Nathaniel is a good-for-nothing. Sufiyan is no good either, he is from the weakest legion. That left Sebastian and Zaviyaar and I know my son, he could do this."

I could feel my chest brimming in encouragement. My confidence boosted to hear the amount of trust Father held in me.

"Are.. You sure? Should we wait at least until he is eighteen? I know he wanted to but wanting and having are two different things. Can he bear it?" Mama asked, speaking what I couldn't forget. How I used to be and what I became were entirely different-

"Our son cannot hurt a butterfly, his hands tremble. Hurting an actual human is way too far. Sebastian can't hurt anyone."

To which Father replied impassively, "He must."

I discarded her worry. I thought I was ready, I thought I could.

My excitement suppressed all my other emotions, and my determination overwhelmed other factors.

Taking a deep breath, I entered their room, resolved plastered on my features.

"I am so sorry for listening to your talks, Father but don't worry, I won't disappoint you. I will take the position Valencia once held." I enunciated, grining, panting from the thought of it.

Mother and Father looked at each other in astonishment and returned a sweet smile, bringing me into a hug. They were proud of me. I had faith in myself.

Father grinned, patting my head proudly, "I know you can, Son."

After talking with my parents, I went to Ruben. He was studying for his test but I sprinted and couldn't use my brakes and ended up bumping into Ruben.

I was way too energetic.

"Ow, what?" Ruben frowned but grinning madly I held his arms, astonishing him.

"What? Did Vinnie say yes for the date?" He asked, studying the glee on my face.

"No! Father is taking me with him, Ruben. I am so happy!" Laughing, I told him, barely controlling my happiness.

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