25- Concerned

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"After my failed attempt, I understood that escape is only a dream now. It was affirmed he won't think twice before ravaging me."

After spending the painfully longest two months of my life there, we went back to the world where I am trapped into his abyss with no place to run away anymore.

"Who do you belong to?" He ordered, resting his hand on my shoulders with a warning grip, staring dead into my reflection. We were back to our room, in his domain.

"I.. am yours." I whispered tentatively, utterly powerless before him, I have lost my will to fight anymore. I cannot go against him.

It's useless to try now.

"Say it again." He ordered again, sending a glare which evoked a shiver from my spine. I feel hopeless, his elusive mien had trapped me. He won't let me escape.

"I am yours." Whispering again, I lowered my gaze, flinching at his hand holding my shoulders in a dangerous grip.

Leaning down to my ears, he whispered authoritatively, "You better not forget it."

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded, narrowing my eyes when I was imprisoned to look into his reflection, feeling his hot breath on my neck.

"I.. won't..." Murmuring, my fingers twirled around my dress. I felt like a puppet whose strings are attached to him- I am.

"Don't try to resist me again." He threatened, etching facts he thought I understood but not engraving them verbally in my mind.

And I truly don't want to lead things to the point of being physical.

"I won't." Stammering, I began to lose my posture, breaths becoming heavy when he pressed his chest against my body, heating it up.

"Don't you ever try to escape again. You can't nor I will let you." He whispered, biting the mark he left on my skin slowly, curling his lips from one side sinfully.

"I won't." Trembling, I managed to confront his dominance using all my power. Please at my display of weakness and subjugation, he finally removed his hands.

"Good girl." Smirking, he took a step back and I released the breaths which suffocated me, releasing the body immobilized in his proximity.

He noticed it too but since that is what he requires from me, it didn't bother him at all. Scrutinizing my form, he took a step back, grabbing his office bag and left for work.

Finally, when he was gone, I could allow myself to relax. The serenity I lost at our honeymoon because there I had to live in the dread of not knowing when he would come and what he would do to me.

I no longer have to vex about a false display of affection either.

Sighing, I sat down, pushing my hairs back, lost in unwanted ponderings. Unwanted thoughts afflicting my mind and I was unsure how to deal with them.

"Then, how come my voice is reaching you when you can't hear it in the first place? How can my words make a difference or change your perspective when you cannot hear?"

"I shouldn't have asked, I shouldn't have asked." Growling, I pulled my hair in frustration.

Why does this silly heart want him to know what I am saying? I want to tell him everything, to recognize those words. Though my decision to run away will remain the same but I want his heart to break exactly as mine.

I want his heart to shatter badly.

As I was lost in my thoughts, thankfully Papa called, dragging me out from the stress absorbing my ability to think.

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