36- Things He Wanted To Say

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~ Sebastian ~

I was trying my best to focus on my work and not wander my mind towards the fact that my wife was with someone I resent the most. Telling him about our tale, making it notorious.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to not think about it, to shift my mind to my work. Hoping anything could distract me from the perturbation and my prayers were listened to.

As I was typing furiously to shift my mind to work, I heard the sound of rain, making me slow down a bit and listen to the droplets hitting my window as it began to rain.

I love rain.

Everything about it was so beautiful. The sound of it, the cold breeze of it... especially the memory it brings along.

I stopped when it began to rain, lowering my gaze slowly sinking in it. Rising from my seat, opening my blinds to look out at the rain, leaning against the window, I began to stare at the rain.

Whenever it rains, it makes me want to stop everything and stare at it to recall my favorite part and think about it over and over again.

Each and everything about that day was etched in my mind. It was unforgettable for me. As I was staring at the rain, a question arose in my heart.

'Have you reached my favorite part yet? Are you going to tell him or not?'

"I hope she won't skip the part I treasure the most. It would be unfair if she did." I sighed under my breath, only hoping she wouldn't cut the parts where I was not the villain of her tale.

Closing my eyes, I drowned in that day, losing in it to recall each detail of the longest day of my life.

How exquisite Eileen looked at the party. How foolishly she couldn't act. How her stomach growled. How innocently she looked at me. The way she looked at me. How deeply we talked, all of it began to appear before me.

Do I love her? I don't know.
But, that is when I realized she was more than my deepest desire.
Because when we kissed, my life suddenly began to make sense.

Back to Past

When I kissed her, I turned oblivious of everything. Nothing but her affectionate actions existed. All my life began to feel meaningless before this moment where my lips met hers.

Moving my lips upon hers, in a mystic rhythm as I held her hand, feeling the perfection of it, securing it beside her head. Kissing her passionately, pouring my endearment- which I didn't know where they came from- in my action.

My mind stopped functioning. All I could focus on was the sensations of those lips attached with mine. My world existed in that moment.

I wanted more of it. More of her.

"Sebastian." She moaned my name when we pulled away to regain our breaths, panting with an unbreakable connection of our eyes.

I smirked at her crimson face. She indulged in our kiss after a long time, in the sensations she gained to feel my lips upon hers. She liked it and it brimmed my chest with whole new self-confidence I had never experienced before.

Taking her other hand, I linked my eyes, not wanting to look at anything else but her. I want to forget the world and not stop as I took her hand in mine, pressing her palm on my exposed chest to let her feel my pounding heartbeats.

"See what you are doing. You make me want to lose control." I growled, pressing her hand harder on my chest, increasing my heartbeats by her touch.

"Not that I do it intentionally..." She whispered, averting her gaze to the side shyly which made me want to stare at her more.

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