20- Notorious

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"I had countless dreams for my honeymoon but how delicately he shattered all my dreams one by one and I couldn't stop him."

I told my tale of giving my heart to a wrong man to a certain handsome man while staring at the crepuscular sight.

My eyes were glistening with grief when I told him, sitting and staring at the arresting sea.

Not wanting to recall my heartbreaking experience. But those eyes can no longer produce tears.

I killed my ability to cry at the moment.

Standing behind, he listened with these mysterious eyes carefully, feeling compassion for my state.

"My Lady..." He called me softly, coming closer. Not moving those pitch-black hairs flow with the cold sea breeze for a second.

He extended his hand out to me but with my quivering lips, I turned to him fully, whispering my fault.

"I feel terrible, he has become my malady, Asad."

His hand to console me stopped. It pricked his heart to hear after all this, I considered him a part of me but I cannot kill what we had, can I?

"From what I have heard till now, I cannot find any reason for you to attach your heart with him." Asad breathed out, moving his hand back in disappointment behind his back.

I couldn't apologize but I should have.

"Because you don't know what he did later. There are some things which he did and I.. couldn't stop myself." I argued. My tone is lower than how it used to be, more softer. Averting my gaze, I held my dress. Unsure how to tell him.

"He had intoxicated my mind. I can't leave even if I want to now." I confessed, hurting Asad at my statement unwillingly.

But, bore it like always. I wonder how perfectly he conceals what's in this heart. I wonder what lies behind this facade.

He curled his lips in a smile, bending on his knees to keep his face adjacent to my level, astonishing me.

"Eileen." Murmuring, Linking his eyes intensely with mine with that heartwarming smile.

"Asad, Don't-" Whispering hurriedly, my eyes widened at his endearing actions.

"Don't worry, I am here now. You don't have to be afraid, he cannot trap you anymore." He whispered, flashing an assuring smile which made my heart skip a beat.

"I won't let his darkness consume you." His clouded eyes held a hint of affection for me which I cannot deny nor resist.

"I am here." My heart thumped rapidly, but only if things could be as smooth as his words.

Biting the inside of my cheeks, I averted my gaze, "I have stopped believing in empty words long ago, Asad. I don't trust you in the slightest." I whispered, holding the hem of my dress.

I rose from my seat, gesturing to him to follow and stop bending because I can't watch him doing this.

"I don't expect you either but I will make you. One day, My Lady, I will." He whispered sincerely. Always using words which make me want to melt but I refrained.

Taking a step closer but hugging myself tighter, I didn't dare to look into his eyes.

"It's getting late. We should go back. Sebastian will be home soon." I murmured hurriedly, taking my bag and things quickly.

He understood my hesitation and gave me space with a nod, "Yes, My Lady."

Without talking further, we went home leaving my tale incomplete but I will tell him everything. I must.

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