77- Sleep Forever

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~ Ruben ~

I was in my apartment, on call with Asad who was taken aback after hearing my decision of staying here but I couldn't help it.

When things are fixed then how do I not allow them to be fixed?

I could finally have my brother back.

"Are you sure?" Asad asked, concerned about me.

"We both knew I had to come back one day. Guess it is the time I start taking some responsibility." Humming, I took a seat, working on my laptop while talking to him.

"I guess so. It won't be long before your brother will weaken and his name will vanish." He snickered but I didn't react. He had always used harsh words so I was used to it.

"We will see about it later. Why don't you become an ace, in fact or at least join Zaviyaar? The main reason you guys feel lower on power is because you brothers are apart. Together you can match Nathaniel and kill Sufiyan too." I suggested.

Despite helping each other, they all refused to work together.

"Never!" He snarled.

"I would never join the man who is crazy for that fucking dancer. I don't care what we lose but I won't work under that sadistic bastard." He growled, refusing to work under Zaviyaar.

"You are calling your brother a sadistic bastard. Well, what can you say anyways? She is His Dancer after all." I chuckled. He was rarely enraged and finding him like that was amusing.

"That doesn't fucking mean you- Leave it. Leave him. I don't want to talk about it." He paused, taking a long sigh to not ruin his mood.

"I might come back to take my cherished one soon." Asad added. I was taken aback, I didn't expect his yearning to enhance but seemingly it did.

"Ohh.." Smirking, I laughed a little, teasing him, betting he must be frowning.

"Are you finally going to make a move on Sofia? I doubt she will listen after what happened-"

Before I could speak further, the window broke and someone got inside my apartment.

"The fuck!?" Cursing, I got back, took out my gun which I kept for safety purposes and shot that guy but a few more entered before him but thankfully I rushed inside my room and blocked the door.

"Ruben?! What happened? I heard a gunshot!"

"I have been ambushed, Asad. Call Dave or Sebastian to send me back up." I growled.

Who could it be? And why?

"Okay. You better not die." Asad said worriedly. He couldn't help it after all, I was his only friend.

"We will see." A trembling smirk came to my lips, cutting the call, prepared to confront who dared to raise his weapon against me. Knowing I was surrounded and it would be a matter of time before I made it out alive. I could only place my faith upon time. For the backup to arrive.

"Show your fucking face! Who are you!?" I snarled, tightening my grip over my gun, jaw clenched as I took over from the couch and shot the guys who managed to enter.

But, for how long could I keep up my defense? They were coming one after another and my magazine was ending rapidly.

I was all alone.

"Fuck," Gritting my teeth, I curled my hands in a fist, focusing on the fight. I won't die here, I won't let my life end before living it.

I will live the life of a happy family I always dreamt of.

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