5- Monster

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~ Sebastian ~

Those who dwell in darkness lose their path to the surface. That is where they belong. That is where 'I' belong.

And I love it.

Each drop of misery I gain exhilarates me. I could never have enough of one's pain, one's blood. I crave it to fulfill the thirst of the devil within me.

I don't know when this bloodlust induced in me but I don't regret it either. I don't need anything but to quench my thirst for despair. I don't want to rule the abyss, I want to become the abyss.

I love being a sinfully heartless devil.

That is where 'I' belong.

"I can't believe it, Mate! Not only you didn't bother to invite your own fucking Brother but didn't let us come either!?" Father yelled, infuriated at the fact that I didn't bother to call them at my wedding.

My silver eyes remained unaffected, pushing my raven hairs falling on my face behind. Turning mute to his scolding as it couldn't alter the fate of the poor soul I have successfully imprisoned.

Pitiful woman, tied to the most unwanted man. Her life is going to become hell when she will realize I am not the Prince she sought.

'She is going to regret admiring me.'

I was in the main hall, sitting on the couch, leaning back with my one leg over the other, rubbing my temple, ignoring each word he spoke.

Unfortunately, I decided to pay them a visit before going to work.

After my wedding holidays, It was my first day at work so I thought going to them which was a terrible choice.


Releasing a long hum, I closed my eyes for a second, lips curled down to discard the noise.

"Don't just hum. Respond properly! What the hell were you thinking!? How could you just marry out of the blue!?" He yelled again, losing his patience with me but I remained unaffected.


"Ruben got to know from the news that his own damn brother is married. What's your problem with him!?"

My jaw clenched when he brought Ruben into this matter.

Opening my eyes, I sent a death-glare in Father's direction to halt his unnecessary scolding before my non-existent patience fades and I end up doing what he won't be able to bear.

"Don't drag Ruben into this. I am not obliged to invite him." I warned him to not speak further.

They both narrowed their eyes at me in repulsion but it was not new, I was used to this expression.

Not only from them but everyone.

That is who I am and it feels satisfactory when they realize who they are talking to.

"Okay fine. Let's keep Ruben out of this. What about your wife Eileen?" He scoffed, folding his arm.

"What about her?" I sighed, arching a brow.

"You married Eileen Lior of all people. An innocent and kind hearted girl." He said angrily.

"So what?" I asked with a sour face.

"I ask, Why ruin the life of that poor woman by binding her with a ruthless animal like you?" He growled but I smirked darkly in return.

It made my heart skip a beat in thrill. It sounds utterly bewitching.

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