45- Disgusted

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"I won't lie. I didn't like you that much at first, Asad."

After leaving Sebastian so he could reflect on his deed and realize you talk matters out, not take rash actions and hurt one's loved ones.

I came out and sat on the couch and Ruben and his friend came with a cup of tea.

"You want some tea?" Ruben asked sweetly, taking a seat.

"No." I shook my head.

"Are you alright, My Lady?" That guy Asad asked, sitting on the other side of the couch I was sitting on, leaning back relaxed, drinking his tea.

"My Lady?" I asked, turning to him, narrowing my eyes in perplexity.

"I am used to it. Don't mind it." He smiled, waving his hand to shrug it off but I found it weird hearing My Lady from him.

"I am fine..." I mumbled, hugging my knees closer to my chest, looking down. Trying not to think about Sebastian's words but they entered my mind unwillingly.

"He is Asad, he is my lawyer and would be yours too but are you sure you don't want to think about my words?" Ruben officially introduced me to him, to his friend Asad.

"Pleasure to meet you. I am Asad Sheikh." He whispered temptingly, offering me his hand and I remembered what Sebastian did to that inn owner just because he held my hand and I felt hesitant.

"L-Likewise." I forced out a nervous smile, waving at him which made him chuckle.

"Don't worry, he won't kill me." He smirked, shifting his attention back to his tea again, moving his hand to the headrest.

They both had a strangely dominant aura which I didn't expect, not from Ruben at least.

"Ruben, I am sorry but I have no reason. What do you want me to do about a marriage without love? Your Brother had warned me before." I whispered, searching for one reason to stay, for one reason to hold his hand but all I ever heard him saying was... stop.

All he ever asked me was to stop.

How can I continue when he wants to stop himself?

"Warned you?" Ruben asked, not believing Sebastian warned me.

"He told me if it continued he might do something unimaginable to me. He had told me to stop countless times. When he doesn't want to give us a chance then why do I waste my time and effort?" I told him hurriedly.

Shivering a little, unsettled to tell anyone but maybe.. Maybe I could find a glimpse of hope. Mrs Stellios told me he would help.

"Just sit back and watch him kill my family?" Asking in a croaked voice, I moved my legs to the side, glaring at Ruben who looked down in disappointment.

He was not so sure anymore how to convince me but his friend broke it.

"I doubt he would do it, My Lady." Asad said calmly, sounding disinterested in the whole conversation yet was listening to it.

"Why?" I frowned, turning to him, definitely not liking his interruption in my personal matters.

"Because Sebastian is a man who raises his weapon to kill only. The fact he let your friend live is the most astonishing fact." And he said what I didn't want to hear.

"How do you know he shot my friend? I didn't tell you that." My frown deepened, folding my arms, furrowing my brows.

But, I have heard that in the news too. They always used to say that Black Death never leaves the one he pointed his gun at alive. Never.

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