67- Little Brother

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"STOP, SEBASTIAN, STOP!" Ruben kept screaming from the bottom of his lungs but I couldn't hear it.

His voice was not reaching me. And I made him scream, loudly, painfully, ruthlessly.

My posture was devoid but that nightmare was flashing before my eyes. And to think the man I made scream so badly begged my wife, for the sake of my happiness was shattering my heart.

I had always believed Ruben resented me, that was why he was away from me but I didn't know what to trust or what to do.

After having Eileen, I felt like I was losing everything. I gained her and lost everything else.

Life and my path was fading.

"What happened? What are you thinking?" Eileen asked, making the bed and sitting next to me, holding my arm sweetly.

"Do you want to go on a date on Sunday?" I asked faintly, not showing a proper reaction.

"Sure. Why not? But, tell me what happened because I could tell, you are not thinking about the date." She called, rubbing my arm slowly but I sighed, pulling away and getting up.

"Nothing..." I mumbled, holding my temples before freeing a loud exhale.

"Are you not going to tell me?"

"Just some unwanted thoughts." Muttering, I walked closer, not looking back at her.


"Leave it."

"Where are you going?" She asked when I was about to leave the room and search for the answer arising in my heart.

"To see darkness once again."

Closing my eyes, I mentally prepared myself for the worst. I would have never done it but I wanted to know what drove Ruben to the point of searching for my happiness.

I thought it never meant anything to him, then why?

"And to find what?" Eileen asked softly. Opening my eyes, I swallowed hard, walking out of the room after replying.

"An answer."

I had no idea how to initiate the conversation with her so I grabbed a drink and saw Ruben in the lounge, minding his own business, offering him a drink.

"Want one?" I offered, trying not to sound awkward. He stopped, looking up at me in confusion.

"Thanks, I guess." Trailing off nervously, he slowly took the drink from me. He narrowed his eyes, taking a sip in suspicion, pissing me off.

But, controlling myself at the moment, I took a seat as well, glancing at him, "Did Asad leave?"

"Already. You know him, He refused to stay where his interest didn't. He went back to see what Sufiyan would do to Erhan." With a dry smirk, he shrugged casually.

"If he would witness other's tales then when will he focus on his?" I mumbled, rolling my eyes off.

"It would be better if never. Who would want to be his partner?" He mumbled under his breath and I didn't expect this response.

"Anyways, may I know the reason for this generosity?" He asked, finishing his drink, finally giving his all attention.

"Aren't you leaving?" I asked faintly, not sure what to ask or how to ask.

"Why do you always want me to leave, Sebastian? Does my presence bother you this much?" He chuckled dryly, shaking his head.

And it pricked me.

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