69- Ideal

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"Eileen, Remember those kinds of kids who run constantly, shouts, noisy, the annoying brats? Yeah, I was that kid."


I was eight. In America, Father had some business with Valencia so me and Ruben were at her hideout. A group of people were talking at the lower level.

And we weren't the only kids there, the future generation was there and all our eyes were fixed on our Queen in pure admiration.

All of us were inspired by her, wanting to become like her, someone who held authority and power. The Ruler.

Valencia Alroy. The Queen of the underworld.

"They respect you so much." Twelve years old Prince beamed, moved by the people's support and there she stood.

Her head high in pride, her long hairs waving in the air, eyes flickering green with a thick cloud of darkness, smirking evilly.

"It's not respect, it's fear, Princy."

"Wow, I want them to fear me like that too. None of them could dare to hurt you." I beamed, grinning by her dominance, by the authority she held over everyone.

Lowering her pretty gaze, she chuckled, shaking her head to see which kid said it and turned to me.

She looked at me and I could feel my cheek heating with felicity. God, she looked at me.

"You have to earn this position. Gaining the peak is not as easy as you think, Boy, only the strongest could take this place." She told me, her voice was euphonious but also assertive.

"I will do it!"

Straightening her back, the smirk not leaving her lips as she glanced from her shoulder, at her son, "Did you hear, Nathaniel?!"

"Consider me out of your circle. I can't do this nor do I want to or would let Persephone either." Her son's cold response came, not bothering to look at what was happening, reading a book with his sister.

"You hear? don't you dare to follow Mama's footsteps." He warned his younger sister.


One could tell from afar that she was an unbreakable woman but seemingly not her son's ideal.

"Leave him, you teach us." Prince scoffed.

Chuckling, she turned to us kids, counting, "My, so many kids. One, two, three... nine. Can I have your names?"

Grinning, I spoke up first happily, "I am Sebastian. He is my brother, Ruben."

"I am Zaviyaar, he is Asad and he is Erhan." Glancing, I saw Zaviyaar was also of my age and Asad was six, Erhan, four.

We all turned to the last kid who was hiding shyly, looking down, he also looked five, "Sufiyan..."

"And nine including my three. Prince, Nathaniel and Persephone."

"Wow, I am the oldest here." Prince praised.

"You will become my right hand after all."

Smirking, she gave his head a pat, watching our parents talking below. They were below, she was above.

"Hey, you guys want to play?" Nathaniel came with his sister who was holding onto his arm.

"Sure." I nodded hastily, delighted immensely by the idea of it.

"Let's play tag!" Asad suggested, jumping from happiness.

"Princy, you wanna come?" Smirking, Nathaniel teased him.

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