57- Emotional Confession

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~ Eileen ~

"There you go, you were waiting for this part, right? All this mess was created because of you, Asshole."

Infuriated and sorrowful at the fact Sebastian cut my call, I held a dejection look on my face all the time. I tried calling him back but his number was powered off.

He had totally shut me off from him and I didn't know what to do. I asked home everyday to know if he came back or not because he didn't bother to tell me that either.

And those two Dave and Jacob, those assholes were out of reach as well. Isn't their sim working?

"Eileen, for how long are you going to remain like this?" Mama sighed, sitting next to me while I was on the couch, hugging my knees with a frown etched on my features.

"What did I do, Mama? I didn't ask him to change for me, I didn't ask him to make me his exception- he made me one himself and when I tried to gain the right I held over him, he shut me off. Why did he always do that? I didn't do anything then why did he blame me?" I snapped, releasing the questions building in my heart, hurting me.

"Because he didn't know how to handle those feelings in the first place so he looked for someone to blame." Mother gave the only explanation which could be possible.

"Is it... that hard for him... to accept me?" I asked, taken aback after realizing she might be right.

"Eileen, remember, that man was feared throughout lands, that man is an epitome of ruthlessness. That is his identity, if you would change it, what would happen to him?" She spoke exactly what Sebastian told me.

But, I didn't do it on purpose, it all happened on its own and now I truly wanted to become his identity.

"He told me the same things, he said I stole his identity. I made him what he never was." I whispered, lowering my head, nibbling my bottom lip before speaking my next sentence.

"But what if I want him to forget it? What if I want him to forget this world and exist for me?"

I asked what I never fathomed I would ask but I think I should ask this question to Sebastian because he could give me a true reply to that.

"See, Eileen? He is just having difficulties in accepting his emotions. If you want to end this fear of his then you have to take a step." Mama tried to make me understand, patting my shoulder to comfort.

"I want to, Mama. I truly want to but I don't know how or what to do for his sake."

"Ask him," Mother gave me a straight reply. Ask him what he wants.

"I-" I opened my mouth to speak but my phone rang. Ruben called.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely.

"Sebastian had an accident, come over. He wanted to see you." He told me, making my heart rate drop instantly, just before he told me he could have died there but he did and hearing about it made me lose my mind.

"What?! I-I am coming!" Gasping, I said quickly, getting up to leave.

"What happened?"

"Ruben said Sebastian had an accident, he wanted to see me, I am going there." My voice broke, tears collecting in my eyes because after hearing it, the horror my heart felt-

I would never accept the future which was not connected with him.

"What? How?" Mama gasped as well.

"I don't know, I am going." I stammered and rushed without thinking twice, I tried calling Sebastian but to no avail.

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