68- His Voice

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Eileen called, coming after me but I didn't want to hear anything anymore. I walked away from them, wiping my teary gaze with my sleeves.

"I want to be alone right now." I growled, motioning to her to stop coming after me and give me some privacy but she spoke something which pierced right through my heart

"When you are not? Until I came, you had always been alone."

My eyes widened for a second, my heart skipped a beat. I knew she was right but it enhanced my fury.

"Don't talk to me, Eileen." Growling, I entered our room outrageously.

"Why not? I did nothing. And besides, for how long do you intend to choose loneliness?" She scoffed, folding her arm, pissing me off further by her demeanor.

"Eileen, stop."

"Brother away, Parents afraid, no friends, no lover. When did you ever have anyone stand beside you? Next to you?"

Smirking dryly, she swore to choose words which could break my heart badly. Amplifying the anguish on my face. Holding my side, I looked away.

"No wonder you are terrible at handling emotional matters."

Sighing, she was before me and I was losing my posture once again before her heartbreaking statement.

Why did she always use those words that stuck in my mind forever?

From- 'How could you choose your own lover to break?'
To- 'Until I came, you had always been alone.'

She always chose unbearable sentences.

"If you intend to increase my pain then leave,"

But, I was already infuriated and I didn't want to do anything in spur of emotions so I told her as calmly as possible to leave if she wanted to keep on with those words.

"I am only speaking the truth, Sebastian. You had always been alone. I guess that's why you love me this badly because 'I' am the only person who stayed."

My eyes narrowed in dread when she said it, inducing thoughts which never crossed my mind before. I didn't want to hear further.

There were things which I deliberately avoided, I didn't want to face and she was throwing them on my face.


Opening my mouth, I wanted to stop her but she came closer and pulled my shirt to make me stand extremely near her.

"Look around you, Sebastian, even now, only I am standing here. No one here to console you."

Whispering, she held my shirt but I yanked her wrist, losing my mind. Curling my hands in a fist, I wanted to hit something and before my eyes was she.


Growling loudly, I turned away and kicked the table furiously, causing the vase on it to break.

"And you know why?" She called again, testing my patience now.

"Because you pushed them away yourself, you were afraid to hurt the ones near your heart so you protected them from your own self."

She called again, coming closer but I refrained from her, not wanting to do something to her under the label of hasty emotional actions.

"What are you trying to prove by saying all this? Yes, I did, so what?!" I yelled, glaring at to stop this nonsense.

But, unexpectedly, she returned a beautiful smile, rested her hand over my back as she leaned her head against my arm.

"Then such a person shouldn't be called a monster, isn't it?" She whispered in a low, angelic voice, halting my senses right there.

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