15- Feeding On Fear

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"That time, I was so weak that I was only praying for a hand to save me. All I could strive for was a hand."

The next day, I deliberately overslept so when I wake up Sebastian is no longer home and I could be at serene for the rest of the day.

But, how long do I intend to avoid him? I can't do it forever. I am only testing his patience by my demeanor and when it will run out, I better prepare myself for the upcoming dread.

And it ran out. He was done with my charade of ignoring him, he came home early. I was playing a game on my phone because that is all it could do.

Either call someone which will be recorded and I cannot delete it or play games or youtube. He had restricted all features of my phone and that is all I could do.

When the sound of footsteps approached, I looked up immediately only to see Sebastian standing before me.

He was in his white shirt, first two buttons of his shirt were opened, sleeves rolled neatly to the elbow with perfectly combed hairs and inscrutable eyes hovering over mine.

"Sebastian? You're early." Stammering, I got up, tugging my hair behind my ears, I moved back. Maintain a fair distance from this vicious presence.

Resting his hand in his pocket, a darkly amusing smirk reached his lips, approaching me steadily which made my heart race to find his intense eyes linked on me.

"You have high hopes from them and all you get is loneliness at home, isn't it?"

My heart skipped a beat when he mocked me using my own unintentional words.

"I had to make it sound convincing." I replied softly, looking up at his superior form timidly, praying he won't take it seriously or else it would be fatal for me.

Smirking at my reaction, he brushed his knuckles on the side of my face. It was anything but tender, "But, here you go. Here is the attention you whined about."

"I... had to control my mouth." Mumbling, I averted my gaze, bearing with his touch grazing my skin.

"I told you to learn how to act, didn't I?" He asked, closing our gap which immobilized my body in anticipation.

"I can't and if I could, I wouldn't be here either. You don't want me to." Murmuring, I turned my head away but turning his tender stroke into a harsh grip, he forced me to stare back into his stern silver eyes.

"So you will continue feeding this fear to me, hmm? To satisfy my unquenchable thirst for misery." He asked, making my heart race.

This is what I shouldn't do and I always provide him with the allure to the point he craves for me.

"How... Can I stop?" I asked, despondency creeping upon my features.

"Don't. What fun would it be if you do just..." Moving, he pressed his thumb over my lips, holding my waist to collide our bodies.

"Control it before everyone else. Act before people. Use your words carefully unless you want me to spill blood on your pure bloodline." He threatened in a low, husky whisper, stiffening my bones.

"Why are you bringing my family in this? I don't do anything, I obey you quietly, I don't resist you. What more do you want, Sebastian?" With my voice breaking at his demand, I held his shirt but since when my misery melted his heart? Never.

"Eileen, Eileen, I love drawing this fear. I can't get enough of it, enough of you. Besides..." Letting out a temptingly suppressed laugh, he shook his head, leading his finger down to my chest, not removing his eyes from my dry lips.

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