7- His Prey

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"I am a prisoner here, he will never let me leave."

With a throbbing pain in my foot, I slowly woke up. Praying deeply that what I witnessed was nothing but a terrible nightmare and things are still as beautiful as I imagined.

But the pain on my foot induced the realization that it is no longer my fantasy world. My chest clenched when the painful thought of what a beast he is sank in.

How could I have imagined the man showering affection and love turned out to be one of the greatest criminals of all time.

'Why does it have to be my husband of all people?' Opening my eyes with a tear in the corner, my heart felt heavy and sorrowful.

I scanned around and saw him right in front of me. Sipping his tea, one leg resting over the other to assert his dominance, engrossed in his phone.

Unwillingly, I gasped, sitting up slightly which gained his attention. Lifting his eyes slowly but direly towards me.

I could feel my breaths tightening around my throat with a pounding heart rate at his predatory eyes contemplating his prey.

"You're finally awake, hmm?" His deep resonance stuck my ears with a power I never knew he would show up on me.

Pleased at my frightened reaction, he put the cup and his phone away, rising from his seat which evoked a shiver from the spine.

"Don't..." Whispering, I tried to crawl back with tears brimming in my eyes but unfortunately behind me was nothing but the bedframe. I had no place to escape.

"Don't what?" He asked, resting his one hand across from me, arching an eyebrow perfectly in amusement.

"Don't touch you?" Asking seductively, his fingers traced on the side of my face, noticing how I shivered up by his mere graze which is now burning my skin.

"Or... Don't scare you?" He asked, pleased at fear he drew from me, trailing his fingers down.

For someone, who had never been involved in anything wrong in my entire life; this whole scenario was overwhelming for me.

"Don't do anything." I whispered, tears blurring my vision, lifting my one knee and hugging it close to my chest.

My other foot was hurting, not believing he tried to shoot me but then again, if he wanted to kill me, I won't be here. He wants to draw more of my fear.

"That is not a favorable option." He frowned, sitting beside me which made me gasp.

His unfathomable eyes scan my body from top to bottom with thickly dark clouds of monstrosity forging a perfect facade.

"Please let me go, Sebastian." I pleaded, digging my nails on my skin due to the unsettling sensation I gained by his presence.

"That too." He sighed, disappointed at my display of useless requests.

"Why are you doing this? What did I do to you?" I asked, voice breaking. Unable to cope with his constant power crushing me.

"Nothing." He replied nonchalantly.

Tracing his index finger from my hand all the way up to my shoulder. Showing me how he could do anything and I am powerless before it.

"Then why did you marry me?" I asked, on the verge of crying.

"Darling, it's not resentment nor grudge." He began to speak temptingly, lifting my chin with his finger.

"Then what is it?" Forcing me to meet his authoritative gaze which enhanced my heartbeats, immobilizing my body when he enunciated which bond truly exists between us.

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