53- The Vicious Leaders

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"Like you are treated as an outcast, Sebastian?"

Turning our heads, we saw Nathaniel with his hands cuffed, in his usual attire.

The black shirt with matching trouser and waistcoat accompanied with his gloves.

His sleeves rolled to the elbow perfectly with a plague doctor's mask in his hand indicating-

He lived as the Plague Doctor and shall die as one.

"You only have five minutes." The officer said, motioning to him to go inside.

Nathaniel was glaring at me and replied, "I only need two."

"Nathaniel." I smirked, turning to him when he took slow steps towards me. Oh, look how he burned at the humiliation of his beloved.

"Honestly, dignity doesn't suit the man who is nothing without his family hierarchy or perhaps you love being a misogynist pig?" Nathaniel mocked, smirking darkly at me to which I smirked back and retorted.

"Does it hurt to know your wife's reality? I merely told her what she is." I shrugged calmly but the vile smirk stayed to find Nathaniel pissed.

"But the fact remains she is Zariah Alroy. My wife."

Sufiyan smirked at the tension Nathaniel created in a heartbeat and stood up. Tsk, assholes enjoying the moment.

Standing beside Zaviyaar as they both were indulging in the heat collecting between us two followed by a competition of supremacy.

"And if another word escaped your lips against her, I wouldn't mind dragging another soul to hell with me."

Nathaniel threatened me openly, outraged to find anyone taunting her.

"Doesn't sound good when your breaths are limited." I scoffed, reminding him he was going to die.

Folding my arms and rolling my eyes off to consider his threat a fatuous enunciation.

"My breaths don't matter. Whether I live or not, my reign will never die." Nathaniel retorted, recalling the authority he had managed to hold, pissing me off.

Authority he had gained was supreme.

Taking another step closer, Nathaniel glared directly into my eyes, announcing.

"And I am warning you, Sebastian, If you were found anywhere near my wife, You better consider it a war then."

All of us were taken aback at the augmenting tension. We didn't expect Nathaniel to openly challenge me for the sake of the person he ruined himself but amid this a question arose in my heart-

Would I do the same for Eileen?

Am I going to hold this level of sincerity for Eileen?

"You know you are going to die, Nathaniel, don't you?" I laughed, mocking him, not taking a single word seriously.

"Will my people too? Will the terror my people induce too? What can it alter?"

Nathaniel arched a brow which died my laughter as we both were scowling at each other.

Making him my enemy was equal to causing destruction. I didn't want to admit but his reign was stronger than mine.

"What an amazing view." Zaviyaar whispered with a chuckle, outraging me.

"Agreed." Sufiyan nodded, enjoying the show to the fullest.

"Then tell her to never cross her path with mine ever again or else I will grant her the honor to die by my very hands." I threatened, glaring at Zariah for a second, I would never join hands with her.

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