83- An Euphoric Night

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Sebastian opened his eyes slowly as our eyes met, extremely close to each other. Our heartbeats thumping loudly but in synchronization.

When my eyes scanned his irresistible features, my throat dried as a strange rush surged in my body. Sebastian noticed it too but trying not to make it awkward, I pulled away.

But, not allowing me, Sebastian grabbed my shirt, refraining me from pulling away.

"Why are you pulling away from me?" He asked huskily, eyes contemplating my features which began to burn my core in need.

"I am not..." I excused, releasing a heavy breath, shifting my hand over his chest, clenching his shirt firmly.

"You're devilishly handsome, you know?" Huskiness coating my voice when I shifted further down. Him on my lap, our faces dangerously close.

I was yearning for him already and one initiation burned my core to turn oblivious of everything and focus entirely on him.

"I am your man after all." He smirked emptily, moving from my shirt to my neck.

A shiver went down my spine when he touched my skin, holding it to intoxicate me in his spell, moving his hand upward, he gripped my cheek possessively.

"Look at me, Eileen." He ordered dominantly.

My heart skipped a beat, rolling my tongue over my lips, I opened my eyes slowly, crashing my breaths with his. He could clearly witness the temptation brimming in my body.

Pulling me down, he moved to my ear, asking seductively, "What do you want?"

Taking control of the situation, I was well aware of his dominance during intercourse. He loved driving me insane till I begged him to grant me gratification.

"I want you... badly." I confessed, praying he wouldn't be angry to hear it.

"Really?" He whispered, his grip became firm on my cheek causing my heart rate to increase immensely.

"Yes." Opening my eyes gradually, I greeted his unfathomable ones, observing the tension building in my body.

He smirked darkly, pulling up from my lap. The way his eyes temptingly made their way to my body, I could feel it burning to feel more of it.

"You are lucky, I want you too." He spoke, stopping right at my eyes, licking his lips enticingly, urging me with the need to have more than gestures.

"Now, come here."

Commanding, he grabbed my ankle without a warning and placed me under him, getting on top of me.


Gasping, I held the sheets when he was on top of me, preying upon my body with teasing intentions while unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off.

"S-Should we.. really?" I asked hesitantly when he held my shirt, ready to remove it as well but I stopped him for a second.

"You should have thought about it before looking at me with those hungry eyes." He growled, ripping my shirt open.


Not allowing me a moment to ponder what to think, he augmented the sensation of the moment.

Snaking his hand around my waist, he pressed his hot body mine, pulling it upward to greet his body. Igniting my core with the urge to have more of it.

"Mhmm.." Moaning, my fingers traced over his desirable body instinctively.

He leaned down and captured my lips in a passionate kiss, reflecting all the yearning building in our bodies for a while. They were boosted, begging for more.

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