9- Rage

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"He closed all my doors, I became his favorite toy."

My whole being trembled, releasing gasps from my lips. I didn't mean to go against his orders but his very presence made me shiver.

I couldn't act, I couldn't fake emotions. It's not my fault that I am frightened by his one look.

That I wanted to run away.

Growling, his steady steps approached me. With tears brimming, my lips parted to plead him for some mercy but to no avail.

"Sebas-" Before I could speak further, he gripped my throat.

"You-" He growled, forcing me to look dead into his dominantly burning gaze.

"I fucking warned you, didn't I? Do you think you can get away after pulling some shit like this?" He snarled.

Trembling, my vision blurred, trying to remove his hand on my throat, restricting my breaths. My heart was already thumping abnormally and his action of choking stopped my breaths.

"Did you see now how easy it is for me to end your breaths in this very second?!" With a whisper-yell, he brought his face dangerously closer to mine.

A tear rolled down my cheek, gagging for air but to no avail as my senses began to feel like a blur.

"It won't take me a second to end you, your damn parents and annihilate your whole bloodline." He snarled, staring gravely to etch this in my mind to never disobey him ever again.

"Huh?!" Pushing my face away, I gaped, coughing for some air to fill my lungs with tears taking away my vision.

Tapping my chest to regain my senses but before a single hint of warmth could graze my skin, he gripped my hairs again.

"If I provide you with some leniency, it doesn't mean it will last forever." He growled in my ears, gripping my hair.

Unable to bear this overwhelming power, an unwanted but faint sob escaped my lips.

"Sebastian, please, let me go. I-I can't act.. I didn't mean to.. " I cried, hoping he would understand.

"Then learn, dammit." He hissed.

"You're going to need it if you want to survive with me." He whispered, breathing heavily in my ear.

"You better not test me again, Eileen." He growled, making my body tremble at the sound of his breath blazing my soul by the intensity of his presence.

"I didn't mean to, I swear." I cried, hoping he would listen.

Tightening his grip, he forced me to lock his stern orbs with my tense one, to look him in the eye and never forget this look.

"Now listen up here, Eileen." He began to say in a growl.

"I thought you are a smart woman who knows what could happen with a wrong step but in case you need actual words. There, I will provide you." His hot husky breath threatened me openly.

Disappointment flashed in my eyes but none of my dejection mattered to him, his amusement, his orders, him- That is all what existed in his sinful world.

Shutting my eyes, I tried to turn my head away but he didn't let me. Breathless, furious, low voices showing me nightmares in reality.

"If you dared to disobey my command again. I will kill each and every person you cherish in your life right before your eyes."

An uncontrollable shiver emerged from my spine. My body shook in fright, blurring with tears. Dying to fight him but my efforts were futile.

"No, You c-can't.. I- You.. no.."

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