24- Can't Run

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"Powerless, I couldn't do anything. I was frightened to raise my voice at this point. He feels nothing, I am nothing but a prey."

The night shone at its peak, darkness greeted this world and in this tenebrosity, my devoid eyes were on the bed, holding the sheets. Wearing his shirt and my undies after he cleaned my body and went to take a shower himself. I stayed motionless with a sting in my chest.

My body was burning in a fiery fire. My one assurance of him being soft during intimacy was shattered. My body was hurting, my throat was hurting, his marks were hurting.

Everything he inflicted on my body under the name of punishment was hurting.

Fresh tears were present on my cheek, trying to cope with how I am supposed to survive with a beast like him who wouldn't think twice before hurting me.

Coming out of the shower, he noticed my state, narrowing his eyes in displeasure at tears on my cheek, he walked up to me, crawling up slowly like a hunter.

I flinched when he came near, resting his hand on either side, staring keenly with a death-stare, stiffening me by the intensity of him hovering over me.

"Did you finally realize you cannot escape?" His deeply low but raspy resonance came, amplifying my dream. Making a disquiet face, I nodded timidly.

"Don't ever think of escaping again or else..." Warning he leaned down to my ears, growling, "I won't hold back next time."

I shivered at his statement, eyes widened in disbelief, "You call it holding back?" I couldn't believe he considered aching my body as holding back.

"Be grateful I didn't tie you and deny you to the point of driving you insane. I can be much worse, trust me, you wouldn't want to find out, do you?" His tone was low but dangerous to which I could only gasp, holding to crawl back from his lethal presence but he stopped me.

"N-No..." I barely managed to respond in a broken whisper, shaking my head to not outrage him further.

Etching a stern reminder in my core, he pulled away, looking down at me with dead eyes, "Don't pull off this kind of stunt again."

"I-I apologize." Whisering, I moved back, staying on my elbow, holding the sheets firmly, frightened to bear his presence anymore.

"Eileen." Calling me sternly, his back facing me, hands in his pockets, asserting his dominance, glancing from his shoulder, enunciating.

"You are mine and if I have to cage you to ensure this fact, I will." My heart skipped a beat at his obstinacy level with someone he had no emotional or personal attachment to.

"Accept your fate with me. Your destiny is etched with mine and nothing- I repeat, nothing could change it." He repeated, engraving the undeniably painful reality.

Sniffling, I suppressed my tears, tightening my grip on the sheets, "Why such obsession with me?" I dared to ask in a bare whisper but grabbing my ankle he roughly pinned me underneath him.

"Shh." Growling, he pressed his index finger on my lips, scaring me immensely. Displaying how easily he can control me.

"Do not enrage me with futile questions further than you already did. You know why, Don't make me repeat myself." He hissed, pushing me away, scoffing at my puerile question. I satisfy his lust. Nothing more, nothing less.

"You have severed my patience enough." He scoffed, pulling away to not pay heed to my condition anymore.

"This is your last reminder, Eileen. Don't test me next time or else you will be responsible for the consequences." He hissed, not in the mood to hear further questions.

Sniffing, I moved back, unable to lift my gaze to meet his austere ones anymore, "I.. understand..." With a final whisper, I chose silence and went to sleep.

Realizing running away was a terrible choice and I mustn't repeat such an action ever again in the future or else dire consequences await me.

Soon, the sun rose, I was exhausted, sleepy, I couldn't sleep properly because of the tiredness in my body, making my body numb.

I remained motionless until his one pat shook my whole body as always, gasping at the physical contact, I flinched immediately but unbothered, his cold tone came.

"Get up. We have our flight." He ordered, frown not leaving his lips which only scared me to fathom what he will do.

"Argh..." Groaning, I forced my exhausted form to sit up, not looking up at his eyes affixed on my messy form.

Sighing, he opened a drawer and gave me a pill, "Take those, they will help." Certainly not expecting he would do anything to ease my pain, I looked up at him in stagger.

I thought he would want to etch this pain in me, let it sting to make me realize I was wrong. Gulping, I put it on the nightstand and tried to stand but stumbled accidentally a little.

He thought it was from last night's activity which softened his eyes unknowingly for a second, but before I could grasp if it was what I thought it was or not, it faded instantly.

"Tsk, fragile woman." Muttering, he held my waist, helping me to stand properly and not fall. I held his shirt involuntarily, averting my gaze quickly when he made me sit back on the bed again.

"Can... you stand?" He asked with a pause, removing the strand which fell on my face behind.

"Yeah..." I nodded slowly, afraid to make him angry but noticing my distress he understood, reading me like an open book. Sighing at my weakness, he moved back.

"Leave it. Sit down for a while. I will send your breakfast. Eat something and take it." He said nonchalantly and walked out of the room, leaving all alone to gather my courage before confronting him again.

I didn't speak anything anymore, using my actions cautiously to not do anything which could displease him as we went back after an unbelievably long two month in Paris where I understood- I can't run away. 

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