28- His Prey

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"That day was terrible, I knew he was going to make me realize this time that I am his prey with no escape."

The day passed, Mrs Stellios stayed next to me thankfully or else I would have turned insane by the dread. Each time I heard footsteps, it evoked fear to fathom who it could be.

Sweating, my breaths hastened, trying to think and clear my mind but I was unable to. Nothing could ease my perturbation anymore.

It was night, I had both my lunch and dinner here but I was scared to no extent, regretting my choices of words now. Regretting that I didn't listen quietly.

"I am here, Dear. No need to fret. Go to sleep." Mrs Stellios assured me but my heart was not ready to accept it.

"H-He won't come, right?" I stuttered, pressing my teeth together to maintain my posture but failed.

"I am here. Don't worry." She smiled tenderly as I laid down, holding the sheets and she caressed my hair like my mother used to whenever I had a nightmare.

"Um.. Eileen." She called hesitantly after a while.


"Did something happen between you and Sebastian?" She asked, trying not to unsettle me.

Hiding my face in the sheets, I told her my fault, "I.. was taking contraceptive pills while he strictly told me not to..."

"No, not that. Anything else." She asked but it bewildered me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking back at her.

"Nothing... forget it. You should sleep. It's getting late." She sighed, caressing my hair to help me relax and sleep.

Her soothing actions worked and soon I felt darkness spreading before my eyes, taking me into a deep slumber and after a horrible day, I fell asleep.

I wish.

Just when the moments of solace fell before my eyes, just when I thought I got away after my deed, just when I found reassurance that he won't chase me like a nightmare anymore- I was proven terribly wrong.

"Eileen." My eyes opened slowly when a whisper called, poking my shoulder but when my eyes opened, all I found was the silhouette of the ruler of my fright.

A strong scent hit me followed by a large hand over my mouth to seal my lips from producing further sound, stopping my heart for a second.

"Mhm!" I tried to move but his one glare warned me to not make a single move and obey him quietly.

"Shh.." He whispered, coming before my face, increasing my heartbeats to the point I thought my heart would leap out of my chest by dread.

Leaning down, my hairs stood on edge when his hot breath reach my neck, whispering dominantly, "Get the fuck up."

Shaking badly, I didn't resist and got up slowly, trembling before his assertive presence before me, so close to traumatizing me by the unshakable power.

The moment we got out of the room, he removed the hand on my mouth, making me gasp loudly for air. Taking heavy breaths, I looked at him to find a glint of mercy but this time it's not wise to expect any softness from him.

"Sebastian-" I tried calling him in a broken tone which was useless.

Grabbing my arm roughly, he began to drag me with him, forcing me to match his rapid steps with my numb ones.

"Don't you dare to speak another word." Threatening, he took us back to the room and threw me inside.

Losing my breaths, I began to shake, taking a step back, locked in the room with nowhere to run. Hunted down by his silver fury.

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