23- Punishment

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"I wish running away was this easy."

Running without any intention of looking back, I could feel my heart was about to burst from the strain collecting in my legs, making them numb.

It felt cold, I felt frightened. It feels like I am running down the hallways of an abysmal path; knowing running is futile yet I ran.

Away, far away from him where I could reach out for help. It's not his land, he can't stop me from extending my hand towards help.

Losing my breath, I gained attention but I need to go where his eyes cannot find me. I was on the verge of sobbing, my body shivering but I won't stop.

I ran into a street, not knowing where my feet would lead me but I sprinted to go where his eyes and monstrosity cannot follow me.

Finding someone nearby, I rushed to them, "Help me, please." I whispered, tears ruining my vision but sniffling I wiped them quickly.

"De quoi tu parles? (What are you talking about?)" The girl asked, tilting her head in confusion, worried when she saw me like this. Shivering, I glanced at the end of the street and back to her.

"Aidez moi. Où se trouve le poste de police? (Help me. Where is the Police Station?)" I asked desperately, my heart rate enhancing, the longer our conversation extended. My mind was in a state of panic that I didn't know if my sentence came out wrong or not.

"Quoi? (What?)" She blinked, stupefied at my condition but shutting my eyes, I almost sobbed.

"Please, help." I began to cry, unable to hold my tears, losing my patience by each passing second.

"Okay, Okay." Nodding, she came closer to help but my apprehension reached its peak when another deep voice with hidden fury came.

"Pas besoin. Elle est ma femme. (No Need. She is my wife.)" To say I am scared would be an understatement when I felt Sebastian fuming form behind me, indirectly proclaiming my worst nightmare.

My body froze to the point I cannot speak a word. My vocal cords felt struck, the inability to react immobilized my very soul when his voice echoed in my ears and I lost consciousness by the fright building in my hollow chest.


My head throbbed in pain when I heard Elyna's voice from afar, "For enlivenment?"

"No, I want to witness his suffering by the one he loves, his devastation." My head felt heavy but I could recognize this voice clearly as Sebastian's which paralyzed my body with fear.


"So I could remind myself the measly matter of love brings nothing but misery and why 'I' should avoid it at all cost." Sebastian's voice made me shiver violently.

An eerie coldness embraced me but when I tried to shift I felt my wrists were cuffed to one side of the bed. I was horrified, I could feel his eyes upon me.

"Eileen." His strict voice called. I failed badly in acting to sleep. With tears coming near my eyes, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sebastian before me with a displeased expression.

All again in his supreme black attire, two buttons of his shirt opened, no waist coat with his sleeves rolled perfectly. Features harsher than they could ever be.

He won't hold back this time. He would give me a proper punishment now to show what happens when I misuse the freedom he provided.

"S-Sebastian." Whispering, my eyes cannot see his dominant form clearly yet I felt numb, unable to raise my voice in this authoritative presence anymore.

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