43- Punishment

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~ Sebastian ~

When Dave informed me that Eileen told her Father everything and he hired a cop for her protection I absolutely lost it. I couldn't think, I couldn't react.

I was furious, I wanted to teach her a lesson she would never forget I won't deny, I wanted to do this but...

I didn't mean to raise my hand.

"Stop resisting, dammit!!"

Losing my mind, my grip on my body. I couldn't control myself and ended up raising my hand. I swear, It was unintentional, I was not going to hit her.

I didn't lie. I didn't lie. I didn't lie.

But, Asad appeared out of nowhere, grabbing my wrist to stop me, mocking as always.

"Haven't your parents taught you to respect women- especially your wife, Sebastian?"

Same as always, those long pitch-black hairs and devilish raven eyes concealed my mystery so no one could predict what he would do next.

"Asad." I hissed, pulling my wrist back roughly but he simply smirked at my fury before glancing from his shoulder to Eileen who was trembling in fright.

"Are you okay, My Lady?" He asked seductively, taking the wrong impression I implied to his advantage, turning to her but she did not react, crying badly.

By Asad's interruption, I finally regained my senses and when I noticed her sobbing face, my gaze softened. Whatever was building gradually between us crushed at my one mindless action.

What have I done?

"It's alright. Go to your room." He smiled reassuringly at her. She glanced at me and then back at Asad, sniffling, wiping her tears.

Glaring at me with those shining tears, reflecting the disappointment I managed to induce and ran away without thinking twice.

After she ran away, Asad's smile faded, replaced by a grimace, scowl, turning to me but I stood stunned. He rested his hands in his pockets and took a step closer, staring dead into my eyes.

"What the fuck you were doing, Sebastian?" He whispered but extremely infuriated.

"Is that how you treat your life partner? What is she? A victim? A prey that you did that? Do you have a tiny shred of dignity left?" He growled, disappointment clear in his voice.

But, my mind was consolidated by the unwanted fact that how dare I raise my hand. Nothing else was mattering to me at the moment.

"To whom you are talking about dignity, Asad? That man auctioned it decades ago." Another snicker came which pierced an arrow through my heart when my own Brother said it.

Ruben came, by looks were almost similar except the fact he was slightly skinner and had a scar on his left eye. Just looking at him hurts me.

Smirking dryly at me, scanning my ashamed form, coming closer, "I expected this from you, Sebastian. When you cannot hesitate to hurt your own brother then why would your hands tremble to hurt someone else's daughter?"

And at his very first entrance, he hit where it hurts the most.

My heart skipped a beat as I closed my eyes, hoping to shut his words out of my mind but he pushed me.

"You are a fucking beast, Sebastian. You can never change, you love people's misery. You are incurable." He growled, cracking my heart again but opening my eyes slowly, I bit the inside of my cheek.

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