17- Honeymoon and Business

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I was in my office, working until my phone rang and Ruben called. He is calling for the first time after my marriage. He didn't text me even but I don't complain either, I didn't invite him in the first place.

Sighing, I picked the call with a frown, pinching the bridge of my nose, "Hello?"

"Congratulations, Mate. Felt great to hear on the news that my own damn Brother is married." He mocked with a fake laughter to hit my nerves.

"Ruben." I called his name in a deep breath.

"Oh, do you still remember my name? I thought you forgot amid this maliciousness of yours." He snickered, reminding me of my own self by constant mocks.

"Did you call to taunt me, mate?" I asked seriously, certainly not in a mood to have an argument with him.

"No. Just to congratulate you. Happy two month anniversary." He said, nonchalantly but it didn't feel right. There must be something else.

"By the way, I am coming to see my sister-in-law. I want to see your choice. Is it just as I am suspecting or not?" There it is. I bet my parents must have called him to come and help Eileen. As if I will let him.

"You are very welcome as long as you don't bring Asad along." I added, not wanting the person who is capable of stealing my prey to come.

He is the last person I want to see.

"What's with your resentment for my friend?" He asked, displeased at my hostility for his damn friend.

"I don't want Zaviyaar's brother here." I enunciated. I don't want his shadow near Eileen.

"Okay, I don't intend to either. He is not interested yet." He hummed but I cannot neglect the emphasis he made on 'yet'.

"He better not be. Warn your friend, Ruben. If Asad dared to come near my Eileen, I wouldn't tolerate it. She is my prey." I threatened seriously.

He better maintains his distance from my domain unless he wants to imbalance the peaceful bond I have with his family. But, amid my unintentional words, I spoke what pinched Ruben.

"Prey... This is what I expected from you, Sebastian. You fucking sadist." He growled, amusement fading instantly. I could hear the detest in this tone but pretending I didn't hear it, I sighed.

"We are going on our honeymoon. I will be busy for these two months." Changing the topic, I don't want him to repeat the same thing again.

"Oh wow, doing something normal finally." He scoffed, mood smeared at my comment.


"Fine then. I will pay you a visit soon." He trailed off.

Humming, I was about to bless him but he cut the call like he always does, "Take care-"

Sighing, I lowered my head, curling my lips upward in an unforeseen smile. Shaking my head as I continued to work for the rest of the day.

Soon our time to leave for the honeymoon came, "Let's go."

I can clearly see Eileen trembling in my presence. From those nervous glance to those dried lips, she thrills me with her visage. I want to draw out more but I have already exhausted the extreme.

What more am I supposed to gain from this broken soul anymore?

"Have you ever been in a private jet?" I asked, using my phone when we were going, glancing from the corner of my eyes as she shook her head in denial.

"Well you are going to." I hummed. She didn't respond, staring out of the window.

That is not how she imagined her honeymoon. That is not how she would sit next to her husband but an unfortunate soul is trapped.

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