47- Power

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“The wall of the imaginary world he called the abyss began to shake.” 

woke up the next day with my head resting on his head, looking up at him, sleeping peacefully, curled up to me, holding me protectively.

'Talk to me once and I will forget everything.'

That’s what he did to me. Before him, everything vanished. My body, my mind, my words lost control.

Opening my eyes, I saw his exquisite face, closer to mine, lowering my gaze shyly. I couldn’t believe what happened last night, how things tied together in a spur of a moment.

He was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake him up but I know Sebastian was a light sleeper who would wake up when I moved.

But, I got up and freshened up, going downstairs where Ruben and his friend were still present and I was not used to having people at our home.

“Oh, Hey, Morning.” They both smiled, waving at me, I smiled back and waved, coming to him.

“Ruben, I thought about your words. In fact not yours, Sebastian’s. I think I might wanna stick along and go with the flow to see where it would lead me.”

I will die. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

I told Ruben sternly, folding my arms which staggered them. They didn’t expect this from me. I didn't either but since when do emotions listen to you?

“But, I don’t want yours or your friend’s interference in our life.” I added, glaring at Asad who was ready to indulge in my tale as if my life was a drama for him to enjoy.

“Believe it or not you will need me. You need me in order to help you.” Asad chuckled, smirking at my displeased reaction but I was only perplexed because I had a wrong idea of him in my mind at the moment.

“He is right, Eileen, you need us. You won’t proceed at this point. Sebastian needs a push to make him go beyond.” Ruben added as well but I didn’t want to hear this from Ruben.

“Why would I need you when you were not present for your own Brother, Ruben? You cannot pop out of nowhere and claim your so-called brotherly love.” I taunted Ruben, trying to ignore Asad’s words, folding my arms, taunting him.

"Burn." Asad laughed, pissing  both of us off but I ignored.

“I am the one who is living with him, not you, not your parents. I live with him, share the same roof, same room, same bed with him.” I continued, curling my lips from one side, wiping their smiles because it’s true. I was the one who confronted it all.

“I know him better than all of you.” I enunciated firmly, knowing this point as a fact. When they didn’t know that Sebastian couldn't hear anything then how would they know more? They know nothing.

“Took you so long to realize your power, the authority you hold, My Lady.” Asad spoke from behind, clearly enjoying it and pissing me off further at his nonchalance.

“Did Sebastian say something?” Ruben asked, taken aback at my unforeseen display of mockery. 

“Obviously. Who else could it be?” I frowned, sighing, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“So you want to work it out?” Asad asked vaguely, smirking growing wider. He was obviously interested and intrigued.

“I want Sebastian to confess.” I whispered sincerely. 

After last night, I wanted Sebastian to speak it openly. What he feels for me, I wanted him to open his heart and emotions wholeheartedly to me.

I wanted him to confess badly…

“You might need me to help with that.” Asad added, raising his hand to get my attention because he noticed my constant frown towards him. 

“Yeah, Sebastian hates him and only your friendship with him could make him realize. He fears losing you and seeing you with him would lead him to the edge.” Ruben added, smirking glancing from his shoulder, pointing at Asad.

And then I remembered what Sebastian said at night about him. I realized he was right, I could clearly see Sebastian’s discontent towards him. 

“Or else your man is extremely stubborn, he would never accept that he loves you.” Asad spoke the truth and a fact. For the first time speaking something right and not making fun out of it.

“I know that too.” I muttered, folding my arms and rolling my eyes but another deep voice joined us.

“Know what?” Turning my head, I saw Sebastian coming down the stairs, pushing the hairs falling on his face behind, enhancing his beauty.

“That you are exasperating to deal with.” I shifted my glare from Asad to Sebastian who frowned at my statement while Ruben was taken aback. 

"Watch your tongue." Sebastian warned and I told him what I forgot to inform him last night. 

“And you better apologize to my parents and my friend for the damage you have caused. It is your fault for making a hasty action.” I told him strictly because that’s the demand my parents proposed in order to move things behind and move on.

Black Death, the leader, apologizing for his wrong action.

“No.” His frown deepened, stopping before me, sternly refusing to go along.

“Yes, you will.” I declared firmly, folding my arms, demanding him to go along but he scoffed and waved his hand before me to shrug this matter and ignore me. 

"Definitely not. Why would 'I' apologize?" 

He turned to leave, walking towards the dining hall for breakfast but I smirked, teasing him but sounding fake. I wanted to test the power I hold. I wanted to see whether it would work or not.

“This is the first thing I asked from you and you are denying? Then you say I am your exception, were you lying? Don’t my words matter to you?” I asked, trying to fake sadness but it was clear that I pretended but it made Sebastian stop in his steps.

“Don’t use my words against me.” He warned, not liking me taking advantage of his words but I continued to act.
“Are you going to apologize to my family or not?” I asked, furrowing my brows, curling my lips down more if I knew it looked bad on me. 

Sebastian gave me a weird look and I continued, “Can’t do this much for me?” I asked again but he sighed, defeated at my demand, putting his hand in the air.

“Fine, I'll do it. Don't bother me now.” 

He finally accepted which made me smirk victoriously but he only frowned in displeasure. Not liking me taking advantage of the leniency he provided and walked away.

Hey Everyone! My brother's wedding is nearing and there is a lot to do so I might not be able to update regularly this month but I will try. I hope you will understand and continue to support me ❤

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