6- Trapped

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~ Eileen ~

"By the time I realized my position, it was too late. He closed all my gates of freedom. I was trapped."

A loud gasp of anguish escaped my lips in terror. My legs became weak due to fear when Rick's blood spilled all over the ground.

This bastard was smirking as if the concept of importance of human life was foreign to him, as if the word 'mercy' didn't dare to cross its borders with his path.

"No, No..." Shaking my head, I forced my weak and shaky body to move before he took my life as well. Tears blurred my vision, shattering my heart.

I couldn't spend a second here. This sight was enough for me to know he wouldn't hesitate to cease my breaths as well.

With a tear rolling down, I turned to run away, far away from this monster, to create enough distances that he cannot eradicate.

But the moment I turned to run, the sound of wet footsteps coated in blood approached me, shutting my eyes. I didn't think twice and used all my strength to run.

I don't want to die, I can't die here... not by the man I admired.

"Tch, tch, tch." His voice came, hitching my breath but I began to run and the steps hastened.

He is fast, much faster than me.

Wiping my eyes to clear my vision, I ran but before I could scream for help, he grabbed a fistful of my hairs followed by a scary chuckle.

"Did you truly think you could run?" He whispered seductively in my ears, tightening his grip on my hairs which made me wince.

"Let me go!" I shouted but ignoring my words, he dragged me back inside, holding me rigidly, closing all my paths to escape.

"Leave. All of you." He ordered strictly to everyone else present here and they walked away, leaving me all alone with this devil which enhanced the level of fear in my heart.

"How could you do this, Sebastian!?" I shouted, trying to hit him, endeavoring to get away.

"Stop struggling, you are only testing my patience with this." He growled, taking me back to the point from where I ran.

"Let me go! How dare you!? You fucking murderer!! HELP-" Before I could continue my struggles to get free he pinned me to his car harshly.

"I said, stop struggling, dammit!"

I yelped in pain when he held my both hands and pinned them on the car while pressing his body over mine, scaring me by our proximity.

I cannot believe in a matter of heartbeat, his arms which made me protected are now giving me nothing but disgust.

"Move one more fucking time and you will be in the same position as your fucking lover." He growled, threatening me which stiff me in dread.

My body froze when he pressed himself harder against my shaking body, nuzzling to my neck. His hot breath made my very soul tremble.

Another tear rolled down my cheek, scared of facing the consequence of going against him. Unable to bear his power, I ended up crying.

"Why are you doing this, Sebastian?" I asked in a faint tone, lowering my head in defeat.

"Why, hmm?"

Humming, he placed a soft kiss on my neck, eliciting a shiver from my core. Utterly weak before the unknown man before me.

"For fun, sweetheart." My eyes widened in appall at his response. He had no reason to kill Rick. It wasn't jealousy, it wasn't possessiveness...

All of it is just for... fun.

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