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Chapter Fourteen: Mother and Son Together, Cooking

After spending "pleasant" two days at Cheng Wei's house, Song Yang said the five words "I should go home" under Cheng Wei's melancholy expression, and suddenly heard this sentence, his face changed from "gloomy" "Qing" Cheng Weiyan, who was pleasantly surprised and then tried his best to hold back, insincerely persuaded him to stay, and went home anyway.

On the way back, Song Yang went to a small town and picked out two sets of hats, scarves, and gloves for his parents. Although they were all available at home, they were really ugly and not warm enough due to Song's mother's poor craftsmanship. Yang suddenly realized that this outfit looks like a couple outfit! As for the plan to add some clothes for my parents, I went bankrupt without knowing the size.

Putting all the bought things into the front basket inside the bicycle, Song Yang picked a few catties of fruit, stepped on the bicycle and left in a graceful manner.

"Mom, I'm back."

When I got home, I saw my mother sitting on a small stool, with a big red basin in front of her, half bent over, chopping pork that had been cut into small pieces. , Looking into the basin again, there are a lot of neat lean pork in it.

"Mom, do you want fried meatballs today?"

Song's mother stopped her hands, looked up and saw her son who was growing taller and taller, and she couldn't help but smile.

"I'm back... Where did you get the things you're carrying?" Suddenly seeing the things her son was carrying, Mother Song asked in confusion when she changed the subject.

Song Yang put down the things in his hand, and smiled mysteriously, "I bought these. The hats, gloves, scarves are for you and Dad, and there are fruits." Song's mother stared at the things her son bought, and couldn't help wiping her hands

. Shit, and said uneasy: "Yangyang, where did you get the money?"

Song Yang comforted: "Mom, I earned all this money. I will tell you when Dad comes back in the evening."

Song's mother hesitated After a few times, she wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by Song Yang, "Mom, don't worry. Don't you trust your own son?" Song's mother thought for a while,

nodded, and nodded her son's head , "Tonight, I remember."

Song Yang nodded with a bright smile on his face, and then took over what his mother did just now, "Mom, I will help you chop the meat, it will be chopped quickly and rotten." Song's mother looked at her son with a flattering expression

, Sighing, "Okay, you can do it for me. Remember to chop it rotten. I will go to Xiaojun's (the home of Chen Jun's classmate who appeared in the previous article) to borrow a knife and a chopping board to cut ginger and shallots."

" En, good."


"Mom, it smells so good!" Song Yang sat under the big pot, shrugged his nose, smelled the fragrance wafting everywhere in the kitchen, and stared at it with bright eyes. Serving meatballs that have been cooked in a large porcelain basin.

"Look at the fire carefully. These are freshly scooped up. I'll let you taste them for me after they dry out." Seeing his son's gluttonous expression, Song Yang still stood motionless in front of the stove and skillfully poured them into the pot. Meatballs.

The frying sound of "Zizi Papa~~~~~" was heard endlessly, and Song Yang occasionally added a few firewood into the stove, his fair face was reflected by the glowing red fire in the stove, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.

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