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Chapter Fifty-Seven: Surprise

Liu Zhejing's return to China has always been hidden from Song Yang, because he finally understood why he was thinking about it day and night when he was abroad. At that time, when he was sad and finally told the truth after being pressed by his grandfather, he provoked a burst of exaggerated laughter from his grandfather. After the last conversation, he finally found out the reason for their "beautiful misunderstanding"— — At the same time, it also made him truly understand the meaning of what his grandfather said that day. He was happy to have such a grandfather. Liu Zhejing couldn't wait to say goodbye to the Queen's aunt + after confessing, she got the Queen's approval, and finally couldn't wait to say goodbye The grandfather who sent the plane off boarded the flight to his sweetheart. , Duke of Willis, hahahaha~~~ As the saying goes, an old family is like a treasure, ,,,

with a crutch, the old duke, accompanied by Lawrence, watched his grandson board the plane, although his face was full of reluctance But it is more of a kind of kindness, he looked at the disappearing plane in the sky, and said after a long time.

"Lawrence, let's go back!"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke." Standing behind the old Duke, Lawrence bent over and replied.

Helping the old duke get into the waiting car, Lawrence was about to close the door when he was stopped by the duke and suggested that he get in the car together. Lawrence hesitated and sat opposite the old Duke, then closed the car door, motioned for the driver to drive, and poured a cup of warm black tea for the Duke in an elegant manner. After placing it on the counter beside him, Lawrence's eyes drooped and his posture was straight. , waiting for the master's order at any time.

Drinking black tea from a white bone china black teacup, the old Duke suddenly said, "Lawrence."

Lawrence put his hands down by his sides, and performed an elegant etiquette. His demeanor was as perfect as the template of the most perfect butler, "My lord , what do you want?"

"Little Kurt, he will be happy!"

Lawrence was taken aback, and then his lips curved gracefully, "Of course, my lord, the young master will be happy!"

Nodding his head, the old man The Duke said: "Yes, Little Kurt promised me when he left that he would definitely bring his granddaughter-in-law back to see me."

For nearly thirteen hours, due to the time difference, Liu Zhejing, who originally left in the morning, arrived in City S just before eleven o'clock, which was the time when the sun was shining brightly.

As soon as he got off the plane with the tall and mighty Ahu and Alin, he was stopped by a man with an unfamiliar face coming up, Ahu stood in front of him, Alin was behind, and the two tensed up to guard their surroundings.

The man stopped about fifteen centimeters in front of Liu Zhejing, and said respectfully, "Young master, hello. I am Zhang Mingyang, and I was sent by the eldest master to pick you up." "Brother?" Liu Zhejing thought about it, and

suddenly I remembered that my elder brother called him a few days ago and told him that he was transferred from the capital, and now he is acting as the interim mayor of City S (Liu Zheqing: I will not admit that I applied for a transfer on purpose), although it seems like a decentralization of power , this temporary is nothing more than working for a period of time and then becoming a regular! Brother Bingshan has adapted well to these political intrigues. In fact, sometimes, Liu Zhejing would feel puzzled, how did such a cold-faced elder brother get the support of the people below, it seems that the elder brother looks pretty good... Could it be that "masculinity" is also a strategy? All of a sudden, Liu Zhejing thought of her elder brother standing on the stage with a chilly appearance, and then the group of people below cheered and whistled... Liu Zhejing felt "shameful" and felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

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