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Chapter 72 Extra Story 1: The Troubles of the Parents

In the hospital, several people stood anxiously outside the empty corridor and waited.

Suddenly, the door of the treatment room was opened, and a middle-aged doctor in a white coat came out with an examination report in his hand. Song Yang and the others immediately went up to him.

"Doctor, how is my family?"

"Doctor, how is my father? Is there anything wrong?" Song Yang and Song Ma asked anxiously. Song Yang and Liu Zhejing were worried that Song Ma left too quickly. , Both of them supported Song's mother.

The doctor moved his eyes from the inspection report to several people, and replied with a serious face, "The patient's condition is fine, but the blood surged temporarily due to excessive stimulation, and he is fine now. I will wait for the patient to wake up." I will prescribe some medicine for you to take home for two days."

"Okay, okay, thank you doctor." Song Yang nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Mama Song also listened to the doctor's words of "it's okay", she let go of the mystery in her heart, she held her son's hand tightly, her eyes were a little moist, "It's okay, it's okay." Liu Zhejing also comforted

her "Auntie, don't worry too much, the doctor has already said it's fine."

Song Ma looked at Liu Zhejing with complicated eyes, sighed in her heart, and stopped talking.

The doctor saw the family's expressions, so he handed them the inspection report, and then told them earnestly, "You sons, please take care of yourself. This time the situation is not bad. If something like this happens next time The patient's current age is likely to cause old blood clots, so don't subject the patient to too much stimulation. You wait for a while, and the patient will be pushed out after a while." "Yes, yes, I understand."

Listen Hearing the doctor's admonition, Song Yang's eyes were a little red, and then he reached out to take the report, thanked the doctor again and watched the doctor return to the previous ward. Standing outside, he saw through the glass outside the door the Dad, I feel even more uncomfortable.

Liu Zhejing followed quietly, feeling very complicated, looking at Yang Yang's appearance and Song's father and Song mother, the guilt towards the two old people was even deeper.

After a while, the door opened again, and Dad Song was pushed out by several nurses.

"The patient's family members should follow along!" said the leading female nurse.

"Okay, okay." Several people hurriedly followed behind, and then watched as several nurses arranged Song's father into an empty double room. Song Yang and Liu Zhejing put Song's father on the hospital bed together, watching the nurses Father Song readjusted the infusion, done it carefully, then turned around and said to several people, "Press the bell here when the infusion is almost finished." The female nurse pointed to the button on the wall, and then said, "The patient can only One bottle, hang it up and you can leave the hospital."

"Thank you." Song Yang thanked them together and watched the nurses file out again.

After the person left, Song's mother walked to Song's father, looking at the pale face of Song's father who was still on the infusion, the guilt welling up in her heart weighed on her heart, "It's all my fault that Lao Song I'm so pissed off..." Song Ma murmured out the words that she had been blaming herself in her heart all the time, and her eyes were even tighter in front of her husband who had been with her for twenty years.

Feeling his mother's mood, Song Yang walked up to Song's mother and hugged her with one hand, "Mom, don't think about it, it's not your fault, it's my fault... If it wasn't for me, you and dad wouldn't be together." It's all because of me."

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