Chapter 102 - Rest

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Warnings: friendships, worry, manga spoilers and snuggling.

Big Reminder!
We are entering Manga territory
Since sword smith village episodes
are not fully released yet.
Reading ahead might spoil things.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Y/N Kamado POV

Eyes fluttering open as you feel dizzy. Glancing around the recovery room in the butterfly mansion. Sitting up as a wet rag falls from your forehead into your lap. That's when you notice the young male sleeping in a chair at your bedside. His head resting on your bed.

Senjuro Rengoku

Your sweet crow nestled with the beak hidden in it's feathers beside the boy. Smiling at the adore scene before looking over to find Tanjiro sleeping in the bed nearby.

Trying not to wake anyone but your throat is incredibly dry. Reaching slowly for the cup of water but Senjuro sits up. The crow startles as it flies off the bed a feather drifting through the air.

"Your awake!! I was so afraid that I was going to lose you too..."

The young boy throws his arms around you. Giving a big hug. Wincing from your back injury but trying to hide the pain.

"It will take more than that to stop us." Trying to sound brave as you ruffle up his fiery hair.  "Senjuro... how long have we been asleep?

"Five weeks..."

In the original timeline,
Tanjiro slept eight weeks.

"I have to tell the others." Senjuro leaves the room to spread the news.

Pushing out of bed as you stumble towards Tanjiro's bedside. Crawling under the covers as you snuggle beside his sleeping body. Your arm protectively wrapping over his chest.

Pressing your face against the curve of his shoulder and neck. Releasing a long sigh that melts into a yawn.

Being this close to him has your scent swirling into his nostrils. Increasing the rhythm of his heartbeat as his eyes slowly open. Finding your warm body wrapped around him has a smile spreading across his handsome face.


Lifting your head to look at your husband. Both of you have tears welding against eyelashes. Seeing one another alive after such a horrible battle. He pulls you closer giving a gentle kiss.

Kanao, the three butterfly girls and Jun the kakashi from the future come running into the room. Jun begins to check over both of your vitals while Kanao gives a worried expression. Her purple eyes mainly focused on Tanjiro.

"Tanjiro you are awake too!"

The three little girls lean against the bed sobbing and talking over top of each other. Full of energy to share any news that has happened while you have been asleep. Senjuro smiles as he stands close to the bed.

A loud noise comes from the hallways when suddenly someone runs into the room with a white sheet over their body.

"AHH a ghost!!" One of the young girls cries out in fear. Kanao pulls the children behind her in an attempt to keep them safe. Senjuro bravely jumps forward pulling the sheet off the person.

"Oh it is Aoi-Chan!!"

"She got caught up in the laundry nothing to fear."

Letting out a sigh as your body melts against Tanjiro. Aoi breaks out into crying as she comes closer to the bedside.

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