Chapter 23 - Mount Sagiri

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Warnings: profanity/bad words,

Urokodaki is ridiculously fast

Both of us sprinting as fast as possible just to avoid from falling too far behind him. The former water Hashira's leaving no sounds as he runs.

Even after working hard for the past months we are still struggling to keep up with him. Both of you are panting for air by the time you reach his home.

"Okay... does this ... does this mean... that we passed the test?" Tanjiro asks between heavy breaths.

I wish....

"We are just beginning the test. We will be climbing a mountain." Urokodaki calmly says as if we didn't spend the day running here. Tanjiro gasps and you whimper.

Gently placing Nezuko inside to rest. Before beginning the journey up the mountain. By the time Urokodaki stops to speak to you both it is already nightfall.

Feeling absolutely exhausted after today. Your muscles are particularly accustom to the harsh running but after fight a demon... your knees feel like they will buckle.

"NOW! Find your way back to my house at the foot of the mountain. This time I won't wait until daybreak!" With those finally words Urokodaki disappears within a blink of an eye.

You peek over to Tanjiro hearing him gasp. "That's the task?" He smiles at you. "With my sense of smell this will be easy!"

 "With my sense of smell this will be easy!"

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Art by @chidentsu

Careful... you just jinxed us

Tanjiro confidently looks down the mountain, "I've memorized Urokodaki-San's scent! Come on follow me."

"Tanjiro-Kun..." You try to stop him to explain the traps when he trips over a rope.

Oh crap... No!

Rushing forward you tackle him to the ground just in time. Several rocks flying above just barely missing either of you.

"What the..." Tanjiro's eyes widen seeing this. "Of course... there are traps all over this mountain."

"This will not be easy..." Tiredly you admit,"A tiger pit is near by too! We have to be careful but still keep moving quickly."

Tanjiro nods as you both stand back up. Carefully running down the slope while looking for any hidden traps.

Accidentally your foot trips one, more flying rocks pelt into your body. Letting out a shriek of pain.

"Y/N-Chan!" Tanjiro rushes to you but the ground gives out as he falls into a pit.

"This is going to be a long night..." you whimper as you reach out your hand. Helping him out of the tiger pit.

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