Chapter 67 - Festival

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Warnings: profanity/bad words, guilt, alcohol, flirting, future planning, romance and tension.

"Can I see your ring?" Aoi asks kindly.

"Oh sure." Holding out your hand. Her smile grows as she looks over the engagement ring.

"Wow it is truly beautiful. When will the wedding be?" She asks but before you can answer the three youngest residences of the estate come running up.

"I want to see!"
"Tanjiro is so romantic!"
"Does this mean you are pregnant?"

"Wah! What! No! I am not - pregnant!" Trying to defend yourself as the three children circle around you. Giving in you hold out your hand again and the children stop to marvel at it.

 Giving in you hold out your hand again and the children stop to marvel at it

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"Ahh it is pretty and sparkly!"
"I want to be married one day."
"When will you have a baby!?"

"Stop asking about babies!" Aoi scolds the child.

"Tanjiro and I are not having any babies any time soon. We have demon's to fight after all." You smile at their curiosity.

Kanao clears her throat and you look up at the person who would have wore this ring if you hadn't fallen into this world.

"Yes, we should get back to training." Aoi smiles and hugs Kanao, "Did you hear Tanjiro and Y/N will be married one day."

The recovery training is going good. In a short amount of time your flexibility has improved and catching Aoi in a race is now easy. Sitting before Kanao on the other hand.

Staring at her with guilt as she grabs a cup and throws the water directly in your face with no hesitation.

She would furious with me
if she knew the truth.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Thanks to Aoi everyone is dressed in formal robes for the special occasion. The entire gang is looking absolutely beautiful and handsome. She even, some how, convinced Inosuke to leave his boar mask at home.

"We really shouldn't be here." Aoi whines, "All of you need to be resting and you are still recovering!"

"Then it is a good thing we have a medic with us." You remind her while patting her shoulder. Everyone is looking around in awe of the lanterns and beautiful decorations. The festival just started.

That is when you spot Kanao dressed in a gorgeous purple kimono. Aoi waves her over and says, "I hope it is okay, I invited her."

"Whatever! Let's go have some fun." Nora says while walking past and grabbing your hand to walk with you. Lifting it up to admire the new ring on your finger.

"The food smells delicious here!" Inosuke cheers then smiles at Aoi.

It is hard to tell that it is nighttime with all the vibrant lights. Tanjiro shows off by winning a challenge game. He gives you a beautiful hair piece as the prize.

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