1) back from the dead

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Act I

Sisters and Witches

(Episode 1-22)


In New Orleans at a cemetery close to the place where the witches were planning to sacrifice baby Hope lies Evelyn Pearl Marshall. Little sister to Hayley Jane Elizabeth Marshall.

She loved painting, music, art, and anything that was involved with art.

She first learned about the supernatural world when Hayley turned into a wolf. When Evelyn died Hayley felt like a part of her died as well, she felt like she never be happy again till she found out she was going to be a mother.

Which brings us to today the day Evelyn Marshall was brought back to life.


Evelyn had opened her eyes and saw she was buried in the ground with dirt surround by her. She had started to punch her way out as hard as she could repeatedly until she was able to sit up seeing the bright sunlight with dirt covering her face.

After finally getting out from being buried Evelyn was catching her breath.

She still wore the same clothes she had on the day she died her hair was still the same, but Evelyn didn't care about that right now.

All she cared about was finding her sister hoping she could figure out how she was alive after being dead for 5 years. "Hayley" Evelyn said and got up from the ground not caring that dirt was all over her and she ran looking for her sister.


Elijah had come to see Hayley's dead body in Klaus's arms and had gone over to them. "She's gone" Klaus said.

Tears had fell on Klaus's face and he realized Elijah had been bitten. "You've been bitten" Klaus said and bit his wrist offering his blood to Elijah.


Hayley was laid out on the table as Elijah looked at her. "I was bested" Klaus said.

"You were bested" Elijah said before walking down and facing Klaus. "You were bested" Elijah said yelling the last part.

"My invincible brother" Elijah said, and Klaus stood up. "They took the baby but there's still time we can save her" Klaus said and they left Hayley and started making their way to save Hope.

"The tombs are empty the grounds are deserted she's not here" Elijah said. "This is the only place she can be we'll keep searching" Klaus said.

"They are not here Niklaus we're wasting time" Elijah said.

"Their harvest was here the reaping was here they are about to perform a ritual which will feed their ancestors for centuries ancestors who are buried here" Klaus said.

"This statue we passed by this 3 times all while going in the same direction" Klaus said recognizing the statue.

"They have fabricated some kind of illusion" Elijah said. Klaus had sped away using his vampire speed seeing the scene. "That's one word for it" Klaus said.


Evelyn had been searching for Hayley for what seemed like hours when she heard Hayley scream. "Hayley" Evelyn yelled and ran to the sound.

When she saw Hayley along with Klaus and Elijah and saw some witches about to kill a baby and judging by the look on Hayley's face Evelyn knew it was her baby.

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