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Hayley and Evelyn Marshall, sisters maybe not by blood but that never mattered to them. Where one goes the other follows.

Even when Hayley was kicked out Evelyn was kicked out with her being accused of being the same thing Hayley was, a werewolf. But Evelyn was just human not that it mattered if they kicked her out because she couldn't stay in a place where Hayley wasn't.

The two did everything together and Evelyn was to first to find out Hayley was a werewolf and it never changed how the girl felt about her sister.</p>

She was still the same person she's always known. Hayley did everything in her power to keep Evelyn safe even if they were living on the streets.

They both had found a werewolf pack along with a few others and bounced from pack to pack. Hayley loved her sister more than anything and that would never change till one night when Hayley lost the one person who meant the most to her.</p>


Hayley and Evelyn were in Hayley's car heading to yet another werewolf pack. "Are we ever going to stop bouncing from pack to pack" Evelyn asked.

"What I thought you liked the adventure" Hayley said. "I do but its late and I'm tired" Evelyn said. "Relax we're almost there" Hayley said.

"Can we at least stop for food I'm starving" Evelyn said. "Sure, I'm sure I can find some money somewhere" Hayley said. "I love you" Evelyn said and Hayley looked at her.

"I love you too Evie" Hayley said and Evelyn smiled. Evelyn looked at the road and saw a man standing in the middle of the road.

"Look out" Evelyn yelled and Hayley swerved the car doing her best not to hit the man causing the car to crash. "Evie, are you okay" Hayley asked after the car had crashed to a tree.

"Evie" Hayley asked again getting no response. Hayley had looked and saw her unconscious. Hayley had shaken her, but she didn't budge.

"Evie, Evie" Hayley said worried. Hayley had carefully got out of the car and made her way to Evelyn's side opened her door unbuckling her seat and picked her up bridal style.

"It's okay Evie it's okay we're going to get help you're going to be okay" Hayley said and took off running to the nearest hospital making sure she had a tight grip on Evelyn.

"Someone, help" Hayley yelled once she got in the hospital. doctors had rushed over and took Evelyn out of Hayley's arms putting her on a table.

"What happened" one of the doctors asked. "It was an accident I was driving we were happened and I just I, I" Hayley said stuttering to finish her sentence.

"Hey. hey, it's okay we're going to do everything we can to save her" one of the doctors said. "She's my sister" Hayley said in tears.

"We will do everything we can to save her I promise" the doctor said before leaving with the other doctors rushing to save Evelyn as Hayley watched worried.


It seemed like it has been forever since Hayley had last heard anything about her sister. She got worried more and more.

Finally, two of the doctors that rolled Evelyn away shown up and moved closer to Hayley. Hayley had saw them and stood up facing them. "How is she can I see her" Hayley asked.

"We're sorry we did everything we can" The doctor started to say when Hayley screamed.

"No" Hayley screamed letting tears fall on her face. "What happened, what happened, what happened" Hayley said crying till she eventually fell to her knees crying her eyes out.


The doctors had led Hayley to Evelyn's room allowing her to say goodbye to her sister.

Hayley had just sat in the chair next to Evelyn's bed with Hayley's face still covered in tears. For a while Hayley didn't say anything as she just sat there looking at her sister admiring how beautiful she was.

After a moment she finally decided to speak. "Oh, Evie I was supposed to go first not you" Hayley said crying.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Evie, I love you so much I can't believe I have to live in a world without you" Hayley said.

"You are the best thing I could ever ask for and now you're gone" Hayley said.

"How am I supposed to survive without my little sister by my side" Hayley asked. After taking a moment to calm down Hayley spoke once more. "I'll see you again someday my little sister we will meet again I promise" Hayley said and kissed Evelyn's forehead.

"Goodbye little sister till we meet again I love you" Hayley said and left wiping her tears getting in her car driving away alone for the first time since Evelyn.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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