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Evelyn woke up and looked up seeing Klaus staring at her. "You can stop staring at me now because I'm not going anywhere" Evelyn said.

"Well one can never be too sure" Klaus said. "I can I'm not going anywhere you have me nothing is going to happen to us I promise" Evelyn said and Klaus couldn't help but think about the vision he once saw of Evelyn once again.

"Klaus you okay" Evelyn asked seeing Klaus out of it. "Yeah, fine just glad I finally can call you mine again" Klaus lied.

"Okay" Evelyn said and got up. "Where are you going" Klaus asked.

"I'm just getting dressed so I can head downstairs for breakfast not all of us can survive on blood" Evelyn said.

"I rather you stay here with me in bed all day" Klaus said.

"Well unfortunately for you that's not going to happen" Evelyn said and kissed Klaus's cheek before heading downstairs.


Klaus soon joined Evelyn for breakfast and sat next to her.

"You ever gonna tell me what's really bothering you" Evelyn asked. "Nothing is bothering me" Klaus said.

"Then why don't I believe you" Evelyn asked. "I promise you nothing is bothering me" Klaus said lying. "Klaus" Evelyn said. "Evie please" Klaus said.

"Fine" Evelyn said giving in. Klaus smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek while Evelyn continued to eat.


Evelyn was in the room with Freya when Elijah and Vincent walked in. "Freya" Elijah said.

"What's happening" Elijah asked. "Some compelled, tourist he left this" Freya said. "You may wanna be prepared" Evelyn said.

Elijah opened the box slightly and saw what was inside before closing it again.

"Who" Elijah asked. "Jackson" Freya said. "As much as I didn't like the guy he didn't deserve to die" Evelyn said.

"Courtesy of the strix" Freya said giving Elijah the note. "So, unless we meet their demands Hayley will be next" Elijah said.


"Two original vampires, a coyote, and two powerful witches against an army of miscreants I'm rather looking forward to it" Klaus said coming in the room.

"Keep in mind that I'm a mortal as much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing" Vincent said.

"Don't we all" Evelyn said. "So let me go to the covens I can propose an alliance they hate you guys but if I explain what's going on" Vincent said.

"There's no time" Elijah said. "There never is but before we rush into battle let's keep in mind that Tristian may be the very foe that leads you to your doom" Freya said.

"Isn't this exactly what the prophecy foretold" Freya asked. "She makes a point" Evelyn said.

"Rebekah's on the run I will not lose the two of you as well" Freya said. "Rebekah is safe brother perhaps you should stay" Elijah said.

"And what kind of father would I be if I did not fight for the mother of my child not to mention my girlfriend's sister" Klaus asked.

"No, I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristian de Martial of all people" Klaus said.

"Intention's, got nothing to do with it" Vincent said. "Please enlighten us" Evelyn said. "As long as Tristian de Martial has the Serratura and your baby's mama the advantage is all his" Vincent said.

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